Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 815 Get Released

Chapter 815 Get Released
"Your Majesty, although there are only 30 elite soldiers in the capital, the rest are guards who have never been to the battlefield, and there are also recruits, but they can add up to form an army of [-] people!"

Anyway, he thinks, at least in terms of numbers, they won, right?

King Yu only has 10,000+ elite soldiers, and they have 30 soldiers!
"Where is the military adviser, is there a suitable candidate?" Huang Xiaotian said casually.

"Military division, there is no candidate for the time being. Military division Chen was taken away by King Yu. The remaining military division, seeing that General Deng quit, he also resigned. I was wondering!" General Yu said embarrassingly. .

Suddenly, he had an idea, looked at Huang Xiaotian at the side, and said, "Master Huang, aren't you the champion of Jinke? It's just you, you should be able to do it, right?"

Hearing this, Long Yunlei also looked at Huang Xiaotian, thinking that he was a man of strategy, but he didn't speak, just looked at him.

Huang Xiaotian shook his head, and said modestly: "No, I have never led troops to fight, and I usually just play tricks, how can I take on such a big responsibility!"

"You can do it, you can definitely do it. In the entire capital, if you look around, you can't find anyone more suitable than you." General Yu had a confrontation with him, and he just felt that Huang Xiaotian could do it.

The main reason is to see that he is usually a deep person, and if he is not famous, he is a blockbuster.

Moreover, he is very popular in court, no matter good or bad, he can get along with people with ease.

This kind of person can do great things if he can hold his breath at critical moments and will not be impetuous.

Huang Xiaotian still refused again and again: "General Yu, you should find someone else. This matter is too important to be so sloppy. You have to find someone with experience. I really can't handle it!"

"No, you are competent!" Long Yunlei looked at Huang Xiaotian and said righteously.

If Huang Xiaotian agreed without hesitation, he would have to think carefully.

But he refused again and again, and the more he refused, the more he felt that he was suitable.

Huang Xiaotian was slightly taken aback. Although this was the result he wanted, he frowned slightly and said embarrassedly, "Your Majesty."

Who knew that Long Yunlei was extremely excited, and he directly decided: "Okay, I said you can do it, then you can do it!"

"Yes, I will not disgrace the emperor's order!" Since Long Yunlei said firmly, he did not refuse.

If you talk too much, the atmosphere will freeze.

On the third day of March, King Yu's troops were about to arrive at Yujing Pass.

Along the way, when the common people around the capital saw his team, they knelt down and kowtowed regardless, since the new emperor ascended the throne.

They hoped day and night, and finally they saw the triumphant return of the hero in their hearts.

Even Long Yunlei's news that he is a traitor can't change his status that only the sun can be black.

"It's His Royal Highness King Yu who has returned in triumph, our Nanyuan Kingdom is saved!"

"Now let's see what the new emperor will do."

"What else can I do, such a foolish king is not worthy to be the emperor of our Nanyuan Kingdom."

"That's right, when he came to the throne, he didn't know why he went crazy, killed my wife, and killed me and the children."

so and so
Since Long Yunlei came to the throne, they have lived in fear and dissatisfaction.

Now that King Yu returned to the capital, they expressed all the anger that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time as if they wanted to be relieved.

King Yu listened to all these, it seems that that bastard Long Yunlei did a lot of immoral things.

(End of this chapter)

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