Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 854 Chapter 895-896

Chapter 854 Chapter 895-896
"Since you've been looking forward to me, why didn't you come down to meet me when you saw me coming? Huh?" Song Deji squeezed her chin, forcing her to look directly at him.

"Isn't it because my lord hasn't come for a long time, so I'm getting a little emotional." Xue'er complained coquettishly.

"Recently something has delayed me. I'll come to see you as soon as I'm free."

But not long after, Song Deji hugged Xue'er and fell asleep there.

At the same time, the Seventh Prince took people to the Wangchun Tower after Song Deji fell asleep.

In a daze, Song Deji heard someone knocking on the door outside: "My lord, my lord, the Seventh Prince is here!"

Hearing this, Song Deji suddenly woke up, and let go of Xue'er in his arms.

But Xue'er was already awake at this time, when she heard that it was the Seventh Prince, she was both surprised and delighted.

Surprised that she is with Song Deji now, happy that the Seventh Prince is also her old friend, but they always call her to Zhuangzi, and rarely visit Wangchun Tower in person.

At this moment, she was wondering whether to get up and go out to have a look, what if the Seventh Prince came to find her?

Song Deji didn't know what Xue'er was thinking, but got up, patted Xue'er's shoulder lightly, and said: "Xue'er, you rest here, I will come to see you after I finish talking."

"Yeah." Xue'er responded sweetly, but she was rolling her eyes in her heart.

Then, she got out of bed and waited for him to change.

Not long after, Song Deji took the servants outside the door to the private room that had been arranged for the Seventh Prince in advance.

As soon as he arrived in the private room, he saw what Mama Su and the Seventh Prince were talking about.

The Seventh Prince was a little displeased, but Mother Su shyly declined.

The Seventh Prince crossed Erlang's legs, his legs trembled slightly, looked at people with his nostrils, and said with a condescending look, "I just asked her to accompany her today, no matter who she is with now, I have plenty of money! I came here to show you Chunlou has lost face, how dare you not be as good as you want?"

"My lord, the key point is that all the princes and nobles who come to my Wangchun Tower, I can't afford to offend any of them. Why don't I call two other top-notch girls?"

"In the same way, I don't want to talk nonsense for the third time, otherwise, believe it or not, I will copy your Wangchun Tower!" The Seventh Prince threatened in displeasure.

At this time, he was not very happy with the girl in his heart, but he just wanted to put on airs of the prince.

Seeing this, Song Deji walked in and said, "Mother Su, it's rare for the Seventh Prince to show you face, so come here in person, why are you still dawdling here?"

He didn't want the Seventh Prince to be in a bad mood because of a girl and affect everyone's mood when discussing business.

(End of this chapter)

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