Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 894 is to visit relatives

Chapter 894 is to visit relatives
The important thing is to keep it simple, hurry up and eat lunch, she is going to spend time!
Aunt Zhao was slightly taken aback, smiled, and said, "Well, I'll pack a little more."

Sure enough, making dumplings was simple and quick. After a while, Aunt Zhao wrapped the dumplings and put them in the pot.

Soon, three bowls of dumplings and chopsticks were placed on the table in the main room, as well as a plate of sauerkraut, a plate of pickled vegetables, and a roast duck bought by Gao Yanfei.

At the dinner table, Gao Yanan only cared about eating roast duck, but she hadn't eaten meat in January, and today she managed to have dumplings stuffed with leeks and meat, as well as roast duck.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhao said to her again: "You eat less, save it for your sister, she needs to make up for it now."

"Mom, that's too greasy, I just love this sauerkraut." Gao Yanfei ate the sauerkraut with relish.

Hearing this, Aunt Zhao was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Sour girl, Yan Fei, you look like a boy in your stomach."

"Really." Gao Yanfei said lightly.

But she couldn't be happy in her heart, mainly because she didn't know who the father of this child was!But [-]% of her intuition told her that it belonged to that man.

But no matter who it is, she will be born.

Use it to give it a go and get a chance to live a better life in the Taifu Mansion.

In addition, Taifu Tian's body is probably too old to die, otherwise, why would she not be able to conceive, but after having a taste with that man, she would have it?

And that butterfly has been serving Mrs. Tian almost every day, for more than a year, her stomach has not moved.

Therefore, she finally became pregnant, and she would give birth to anything.

Thinking of this, she thought of that man again, and started to gobble it up.

Aunt Zhao couldn't help but asked with concern: "You child, eat slowly, and no one will grab you."

Regardless, Gao Yanfei took another bite of sauerkraut, picked up a dumpling, and drank a bowl of dumpling soup.

After a while, the dumplings in her bowl were all eaten.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhao held her bowl and said, "Yan Fei, let me get you another bowl, there is still in the pot."

"No, no, no more, Mom, I'm full, eat slowly, I'll take a walk around here to digest." Gao Yanfei said and walked outside.

"Well, how about letting Yanan go out with you for a walk, she is familiar with the neighborhood." Aunt Zhao laughed.

Gao Yanfei directly refused: "No need, I'm fine on my own, I'm free, and the kids are lively, what if it bumps into me."

Aunt Zhao wanted to say something else, after all, Gao Yanan was a sensible child in her eyes, the possibility of bumping into Gao Yanfei was small.

But when she met Gao Yanfei's angry eyes, she could only pull her lips and said, "Okay, then you should pay more attention."

"Okay, I got it, so stop talking." Gao Yanfei said displeased.

Before leaving, she also took the roasted pigeon and a jug of fine wine from the carriage outside.

She told the servants not to follow, and said that she was going to visit relatives, and relatives don't like crowds!

She is also really good at telling lies, telling Aunt Zhao that she is going to digest food.

She told the servants that she was visiting relatives. The key point was that she carried wine and pigeons, as if she was visiting relatives.

Anyway, she has come out, so it is necessary to have fun. To be precise, her purpose is to have fun.

So, Gao Yanfei carried fine wine and pigeons into a small alley and found a bungalow.

She stretched her head to look inside, but saw no one.

Just wondering, her mouth was covered from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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