Chapter 900
"No! I didn't lie, young master, please believe me, you should go out quickly, otherwise my maid will bring food in!" Gao Yanfei hoped to scare him away with this.

Tian Feiwen shook his head, and said: "Don't talk about this, even if they come, I'm not afraid of you, let me find out your details first, and then I will know if you have met other men outside!"

After finishing speaking, he probed Gao Yanfei's details with his hand, and then put it on the tip of his nose to smell it.

When he smelled the special scent that belonged to a man, his eyes immediately brightened and he said: "Okay, Gao Yanfei, you really hang out with other men!"

"I didn't, I really didn't!" Gao Yanfei's heart was beating wildly.

Every time she got along with Hutou, it was impromptu, and she didn't take any measures to avoid it.

Later, after she became pregnant, she became more liberated and didn't care about anything else.

That's why Tian Feiwen found out the truth of the matter with a single inspection.

"If you still say no, then tell me, what is this smell?" Tian Feiwen put his hand directly on the tip of her nose and let her speak by herself.

Gao Yanfei was pregnant in the first place, so she couldn't smell the special smell. At this moment, she felt like vomiting when she smelled it, and she retched for a while.

Seeing this, Tian Feiwen said directly: "It seems that I will teach you a good lesson today, and I can't help my father to vent my anger. The child in your belly must not belong to my father, right?"

He pinched Gao Yanfei's neck and said through gritted teeth.

"The child in my womb must belong to the master, that person has a fertility disorder!" Gao Yanfei was blunt in order to explain, and finally slipped his mouth.

But it was only after she said the words that she realized that she had said the wrong thing, and it was over.

It seems that she is really afraid of something. She is afraid that others will discover her scandal, and she doesn't believe that the child in her belly is Tian's family. As a result, it is suspected.

Hearing this, Tian Feiwen sneered, and said, "Huh, now you know you have to admit it, do you think I will believe what you say?"

At this moment, a servant knocked on the door outside: "Aunt Gao, the food has been brought, come out and eat quickly, or it will be cold later!"

This frightened Gao Yanfei in the room so much that her heart hung in her throat. She looked at Tian Feiwen in panic, and pointed to the back door, hoping that he could go out through the back door.

Now that Tian Feiwen has reached this point, he has no intention of letting Gao Yanfei go.

Although he was also afraid that things would be revealed, he felt that this was very exciting, even more exciting than secretly playing with a maid!
And as long as he thought of Gao Yanfei playing with men outside, his desire would become even stronger.

So, he whispered in Gao Yanfei's ear: "Now, ask the servant girl to bring some buckets of hot water, and just say you want to take a bath."

"You..." Gao Yanfei just wanted to refuse, but he covered his mouth.

"Hurry up, do you want me to tell father and mother that you have someone outside? Huh?" Tian Feiwen threatened her rascally.

Gao Yanfei couldn't help him, so he could only push his hand away, took a deep breath, and responded to the servant outside: "No, I'm really sleepy, so I don't have to eat for now, please put some more buckets of warm water for me, and put it outside the door. I will mention it myself, I want to take a shower, and then just rest."

"Oh, good!" Although the slaves outside were curious, Gao Yanfei was usually a full-fledged master, and the bathing water had to be served by servants.

(End of this chapter)

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