Chapter 916
For most of her life, she put her hopes on Gao Yanfei, after all, Gao Yanan was still young.

Since she was a child, she has followed her in everything, even swallowed her anger and wronged herself because of her.

The point is that Gao Yanfei is still ignorant, and he was fine in the Gao Mansion before.

Ever since Gao Chengren kicked them out, Gao Yanfei didn't respect her at all, and he usually treats her like a dog.

Therefore, what she did just now was not so much for Gao Yanfei to vent her anger.

It's better to say it's venting for my vain energy and shattered hopes.

She glanced at Chai Fu beside Gao Yanfei again, it seemed that what he said was correct.

Gao Yanfei really lived a disorderly life and was caught by others, otherwise, how could the two of them be beaten to death here in disheveled clothes.

For the sake of fame, people had no choice but to kill people.

Heh, it sounds nice to leave a little room for each other, isn't it just for the sake of the reputation of her Taifu's mansion.

If it was soaked in a pig cage, it would be a big mess. I'm afraid the whole capital would know that his grand master is wearing a cuckold.

But the matter was at this point, and she obviously had no other choice. She held her lips and said, "Yes, but I don't want to bury Gao Yanfei's body. It's up to you to deal with it. Anyway, my mother doesn't want to take care of it."

After she figured it out, she started to fight Gao Yanfei.

Thinking of all the years of careful cultivation that she had fed to the dogs, she didn't have the time to worry about where Gao Yanfei was buried, or whether she was thrown in a mass grave and bitten by dogs.

Hearing this, Su Shi was slightly taken aback. As a mother, she always puts children first and regards children as everything.

I would rather suffer and suffer, and have my hair pulled, than my child suffer a little harm.

But I didn't expect Aunt Zhao to be so cold-hearted that she didn't plan to bury her own daughter.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help but a contemptuous smile: "Okay, since you, a mother, don't care about it, then we can bury her in the back mountain, which is the best of humanity."

She didn't want to throw the corpse into the wilderness and let people talk about it.

In fact, the difference between her and Aunt Zhao is that her natal family is good, she lives in her husband's family well, and she has skills.

I didn't pin my hopes on the children, I just hoped that the children would grow up well.

Aunt Zhao, on the other hand, was incompetent and bet all her hopes for the next life on Gao Yanfei.

Now that hope is shattered, Gao Yanfei is not good at all, and she often talks back to her, and her heart is so cold.

Aunt Zhao patted the ashes on Gao Yanan's clothes, and said very lovingly: "Yanan, let's go, mother will take you home."

"Mother, let's not leave my sister alone, okay, my sister is so pitiful, let's take her home and bury her properly, in this way, Yanan will miss her in the future, and can still visit her from time to time." Gao Yanan She pursed her lips sensiblely, for fear that Aunt Zhao would not agree.

Aunt Zhao still has feelings for Gao Yanan, mainly because this little daughter is more sensible and conscientious than Gao Yanfei.

Unlike Gao Yanfei, who is picky eater, has a big temper, is neither big nor small, and often flirts with her face, and is very realistic, and doesn't take her mother seriously.

On the contrary, since she was kicked out of the house, Gao Yanan has been by her side to endure hardships, never complaining, not picky, and often comforting her.

He said that when she grows up, she should live a good life and live in a good house.

At this moment, she couldn't bear to see Gao Yanan's innocent little innocent teary eyes that day, and she didn't want to chill this daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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