Chapter 1001 Feed Me

The heater in the car was finally very warm at the moment, An Xiaoer quickly took off all her clothes and put them on under Mo Shenhan's suit.

Because the clothes were all wet and stuck to her body like this, it was really cold. Only when An Xiaoer took off her clothes did she not feel so bitter.

Mo Shenhan hurriedly took off his suit and put it on An Xiaoer's body, "Go and sit in the back, it's easy to lose everything here."

An Xiaoer nodded, and sat in the back seat of the car listening to Mo Shenhan.

Although there are car models on the car, you can see the front mirror after all. Although there are no people on the road in rainy days, there are still vehicles passing by. Mo Shenhan doesn't want his woman's body to be seen by others The man saw it.

Although she was very angry just now, after all, it's over now. An Xiaoer went to buy medicine for Mo Shenhan. Even though it was raining so heavily, she still braved the rain to go. Obviously she cared about him very much.

The reason why Mo Shenhan was nervous that An Xiaoer and Chu Qingye were together was because of love, but also because he was not at ease in his heart, and was afraid that she would cheat again and leave.

However, since An Xiaoer explained everything, and braved the rain to buy medicine for him, it meant that she still had him in her heart.

With this thought in mind, Mo Shenhan felt a little more at ease. He didn't want to think too much, didn't want to worry too much, and finally decided to trust her.

When An Xiaoer got to the back seat, she remembered that she had bought a lot of clothes, but she foolishly forgot about them. Now, she hurriedly took a set of clothes and put them on.

Fortunately, I just bought clothes, otherwise, I would be really embarrassed right now!

"Let's eat something first!" An Xiaoer gave Mo Shenhan some food she bought in the supermarket just now.

"Feed me." Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer and said.

And, one side has already started the engine and is ready to drive.

An Xiaoer had no choice but tore open a packet of biscuits, and handed a piece to Mo Shenhan.

An Xiaoer didn't feel relieved until she fed him five biscuits and gave him some water. In this way, he shouldn't feel empty in his stomach!

Mo Shenhan finally drove away.

He didn't dare to stay for too long, because An Xiaoer was caught in the rain. Although the heater was fully turned on in the car at the moment, and An Xiaoer was wearing new clothes, after all, she was caught in the rain and her hair was wet. You have to go back early, take a hot bath, and drink a cup of ginger soup.

In rainy days, there are fewer vehicles on the road, and Mo Shenhan really wants to drive faster, because he can get home.

However, An Xiaoer saw that Mo Shenhan's speed was too fast, she worriedly dissuaded her, "Han, drive slowly, the road is slippery in rainy days."

When An Xiaoer said this, Mo Shenhan's speed slowly slowed down. Yes, the road was slippery in rainy days, and he was only focused on getting home quickly, and even forgot about safety.

Slowing down the speed of the car, Mo Shenhan concentrated on driving, and it didn't take long before he drove towards the apartment.

Arriving at the parking lot downstairs, An Xiaoer opened the somewhat worn umbrella, and finally walked towards the apartment with Mo Shenhan.

The umbrella is a bit small, and a bit worn out, and there is a leak in the written place.

Mo Shenhan looked at the umbrella with disgust, "Where did you get this crap?"

An Xiaoer was embarrassed, "I went to the pharmacy to buy medicine, and the clerk gave it to me. He is a good person! How can you say that!"

Mo Shenhan, "I take back what I just said, it's a good thing."

An Xiaoer nodded in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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