Chapter 1005 To catch a man's heart

"Mo Shenhan, you are too bad, how can you treat someone who truly loves you like that?" An Xiaoer smiled, but felt that Mo Shenhan was too sorry for Lin Yiyi's feelings by doing this. ?

After all, Lin Yiyi bought it for Mo Shenhan on purpose!However, he avoided that thought like that, and, even though the rice was given to the cleaning aunt, Lin Yiyi thought that Mo Shenhan really ate it, so she ate it every day.

"So, you hope that I should accept her kindness?" When Mo Shenhan heard that An Xiaoer was fighting for Lin Yiyi, he squinted his eyes, put his head on An Xiaoer's head, and just looked at her like that.

An Xiaoer's face turned red immediately, and she quickly lowered her head, "No, you dare to try the food she bought!"

Although An Xiaoer felt that Lin Yiyi's dedication was such a result, she felt so pitiful, but when she thought of Mo Shenhan eating the meal that Lin Yiyi gave her, she was extremely upset!
It is not allowed!
"Heh...then, is there any way to keep me from eating the food she gave me?" Mo Shenhan asked with narrowed eyes.

There was a hint of evil in the slightly curved smile on her lips. What she said sounded like a question, but in fact, it was a reminder and demonstration to An Xiaoer.

After all, An Xiaoer is not stupid, so she naturally moved Mo Shenhan's meaning, she smiled helplessly, "Hey, I am really miserable, in order to ensure that my man can always be held in my hands, I can only Obediently go to deliver food!"

Mo Shenhan smiled with satisfaction, "Good boy, you must know how to put a long line to catch big fish!"

An Xiaoer rolled her eyes, "By the way, haven't I already hooked this big fish? Why do I still want to catch it?"

Mo Shenhan narrowed his eyes, "It's a catch, but you need to take good care of it, right?"

An Xiaoer: "..."

The ginger soup gradually became less hot. An Xiaoer picked it up and drank it. Mo Shenhan watched An Xiaoer drink it, so he followed suit.

After drinking it for a while, Citrus's body felt warm. Just now I felt a little cold in my hands and feet, but now it's much better!

The body is warm, this way, it should have the effect of dispelling the cold, won't you catch a cold again?

While drinking the ginger soup, An Xiaoer thought of another thing. After Mo Shenhan sent her home, she should have gone back to Mo's house. Logically speaking, she should have eaten at home before coming here, right?
However, why did Mo Shenhan appear there after she went shopping with Chu Qingye?

Could it be that Mo Qingge filed a complaint?

An Xiaoer had some guesses in her heart, so she also started to kiss Mo Shenhan, "Honey, shouldn't you go home? Why did you show up in the mall later?"

Mo Shenhan narrowed his brows slightly, but An Xiaoer was very courageous, but she dared to ask about this matter.

However, at this moment, Mo Shenhan didn't want to think too much. He believed in his heart that An Xiaoer loved him, so he let An Xiaoer himself.

His hand was holding An Xiaoer's at this moment, and his fingers were interlocked.

"What do you think?" Mo Shenhan asked back, his words became a little more enchanting.

"Did Mo Qingge tell you?" An Xiaoer felt more and more that this was the case.

"It seems that you are not too stupid." Mo Shenhan said jokingly with a smile on his lips.

An Xiaoer's heart tightened suddenly, it really was her!

(End of this chapter)

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