Chapter 1008 Because of intimacy, so...

"Eh..." An Xiaoer was embarrassed when she saw Auntie Baojie say that.

I have to say that this auntie cleaning is pretty good at talking. Even though Lin Yiyi took care of the meals, she just said that Mo Shenhan has a bad appetite today!
It sounds like it's just that Mo Shenhan didn't have a lunch box today.

An Xiaoer smiled, opened the door and went in without saying a word.

Mo Shenhan was reading the documents inside, and An Xiaoer went in without raising his head, obviously looking at it like a god, so busy with work that he forgot to eat, can he not have stomach problems?
An Xiaoer sighed, "Mo Shenhan, even if you are busy with work, you can't work hard like this!"

An Xiaoer has never been to the company since she left the company, and she has never been here to deliver meals during this period. Mo Shenhan obviously did not expect her to come. Hearing An Xiaoer's voice, he immediately He raised his head happily!

"Finally I can't bear to see me empty and lonely, so I know come and accompany me!"

What Mo Shenhan said made people feel ashamed!
An Xiaoer smiled, "Really, can't you talk properly? Can you be more serious?"

Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, "It's okay to be serious with others, but you have to be serious with your wife? Then who do you want to be rude to?"

An Xiaoer smiled, "Okay, I was wrong..."

Really, this guy's sophistry ability is very powerful. An Xiaoer really has no choice but to bow down to the verbal dispute!
The smile on the corners of Mo Shenhan's lips deepened, he turned the office chair, and then patted his leg, which meant to tell An Xiaoer to do it in the past!

An Xiaoer was embarrassed, this is an office after all, she hesitated for a while, but did not go there.

Mo Shenhan's eyes deepened, and with a strong warning, he continued to pat his thigh, "I call you over here!"

An Xiaoer had nothing to do, she could only walk over obediently, and sat on Mo Shenhan's lap.

"Mo Shenhan, isn't there food in the canteen? Why does the aunt in the canteen want to eat Lin Yiyi's food?" An Xiaoer asked suspiciously.

"Because it can save money." Mo Shenhan replied, and then told An Xiaoer some of the company's regulations.

Meals in the company are free, but if you don’t eat in the company, there is a subsidy. Even if you miss a meal in the company, you will still be subsidized for a meal.

I have to say that the company's treatment is really good.

Therefore, Auntie Cleaning can get hundreds of dollars more from the food allowance every month. Although it is not much, it is also a kind of help for Auntie Cleaning’s difficult family.

So, Lin Yiyi did a good deed indirectly!

An Xiaoer was dumbfounded when she heard that, "Is there such a thing?"

After all, she has stayed in the company before, but she has never understood such rules!Could it be that she still doesn't understand the company?

But, isn't it?If it is true that if you eat one less meal, you can have a meal subsidy...

"Mo Shenhan, why didn't I do it before?"

An Xiaoer also had the habit of not eating at the company and going out to eat, but she had never encountered the so-called subsidy!
Could it be that Mo Shenhan simply cheated her because he saw that she was his wife?

"You don't count!" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, "Because my father paid your salary before, but later, I paid your salary, and it didn't go through the finance department."

An Xiaoer "..."

Well, that's true, no wonder she didn't get that treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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