The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1013 Don't show affection, I was too young

Chapter 1013 Don't show affection, I was too young
"Yes, this matter is my fault!"

Hearing Bai Xi's reproach, Mo Shenhan looked sincere and looked at Bai Xi to apologize.

It is true that An Xiaoer was pregnant, but he was alone in H city, even though he didn't know the situation, didn't know that An Xiaoer was pregnant at the time, and even An Xiaoer chose to leave, but When Mo Shenhan thought of An Xiaoer's suffering, he really felt guilty.

"Mom, this matter is not Shenhan's fault!" Seeing Bai Xi talking about Mo Shenhan like this, An Xiaoer quickly helped Mo Shenhan speak!

"This matter is my fault. When I left, no one knew that I was pregnant, not even myself. Moreover, I was the one who left Mo Shenhan at that time. He cannot be blamed for this matter!"

An Xiaoer was even more worried that Mo Shenhan would leave a bad impression on Bai Xi, and it would be really bad for them to get along badly!
At this moment, An Xiaoer wanted to protect An Xiaoer even more.

In fact, Bai Xi was just trying to give Mo Shenhan a bad start, but she didn't mean to dislike him in her heart, she just wanted to fight An Xiaoer's injustice!
However, she only said a word, but An Xiaoer defended Mo Shenhan so much!
her daughter!She really likes Mo Shenhan very much!

Bai Xi sighed, with a slight smile in his eyes, "Xiao'er, you just protect this man like this, does he treat you well?"

Mo Shenhan smiled, and then looked at Bai Xi, "Auntie, don't worry, Xiao'er has given me the best of her, so I will do my best to spoil her! I, Mo Shen Han swears, I will definitely treat An Xiaoer well, and if I offend An Xiaoer, I will go out..."

However, before Mo Shenhan's deterioration was finished, An Xiaoer quickly covered his mouth, "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense!"

An Xiaoer covered Mo Shenhan's mouth. What Mo Shenhan wanted to blurt out was blocked by her like that. Finally, she didn't say anything, only a smile remained!

Bai Xi looked at An Xiaoer protecting this man like this, and Mo Shenhan swore just now, even if he didn't finish speaking, it was still his love for An Xiaoer.

The two of them are so in love with each other, and I don't want to be the one who beats mandarin ducks, so I can only look at them and say with a smile, "Well, I'm not alone, I still have my husband! Showing love doesn't work for me, I was too young!"

An Xiaoer: "..."

Mo Shenhan: "..."

It can only be a sense of Bai Xi's humor!
Xiao Fengling had been watching a few people talking with her eyes wide open, and she had been watching quietly all the time. Seeing them finish talking now, she seemed to be very happy, and called out "Wow~Wow" up!

"Woooooo..." Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the cry of the baby, he cried out!

An Xiaoer looked at Xiao Fengling and immediately laughed!
"Baby, are you hungry?" An Xiaoer watched Xiao Fengling cry, and quickly hugged her to sit on the sofa beside her, and then began to breastfeed her.

So Xiao Fengling sucked in big mouthfuls.

After this departure, we have been separated from our daughter for more than ten days. It is a lie to say that I don’t miss Xiao Fengling. At this moment, watching Xiao Fengling calm down contentedly after drinking the milk, and sleeping peacefully in her arms Looking down, she gently stroked Xiao Fengling's head, with a satisfied smile on her lips.

That smile is full of a mother's love for her child.

(End of this chapter)

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