Chapter 1016 Xiao Fengling peed!

"In the future, I will accompany you, you can have these flowers and trees to accompany you, you can also have a pet to accompany you, you can also have children to accompany you, but, most importantly, I will always accompany you With you, with you, from your beautiful years to one day when your hair turns gray, as long as I am still in this world, I will always be with you!"

Mo Shenhan looked at those plants, then at An Xiaoer, and finally said this!
Mo Shenhan is a relatively taciturn person, and he rarely said these love words and vows. However, after he fell in love with An Xiaoer bit by bit, and after An Xiaoer appeared in his life, All his wish is to be with An Xiaoer, to be with her, to experience everything in their years!
Apart from life and death, Mo Shenhan really doesn't want to be separated from An Xiaoer in this life!
"Xiao'er, thank you for the three little angels you gave me. I know that when you give birth to a child, it must be very painful. Thank you!"

"I can't help you share your pain, but I will give you all my love and everything I can give you!"

Mo Shenhan held An Xiaoer in his arms, and said these words gently in his ear. It was also from the heart, what he wanted to say to An Xiaoer the most!

After hearing these words, An Xiaoer's eyes were filled with tears, which were tears of happiness.

Some people say that tears of pain are salty, but tears of happiness are sweet.

An Xiaoer didn't know if it was true or not, but at this moment, her heart was filled with honey!
At this moment, I am really happy!

An Xiaoer never thought that one day Mo Shenhan would say these things to her, after all, he is really not the kind of man who likes to talk about love.

However, Mo Shenhan just said it out, because he wanted An Xiaoer to know his inner thoughts, and wanted An Xiaoer to understand his love for her!

In fact, whether a person is indifferent or not has nothing to do with whether he can talk about love, just like Mo Shenhan usually talks less, especially when he is with others, but when he treats An Xiao An Xiao'er was different, he was also willing to speak out what was in his heart for An Xiao'er, just to let her understand his heart.

"Honey, what I think in my heart is the same as yours!" An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan, with tears in her eyes, but a smile on her face.

"I want to go through all my life with you, wind and rain and sunshine, and I have to share it with you!" At this moment, An Xiaoer had a smile on her face, and hugged Mo Shenhan like that, tightly hug him.

The two hugged each other quietly like this. It was a little cold on the balcony. After Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer for a while, he was worried that he would catch a cold, so he quickly brought An Xiaoer into the room.

They stayed in the room for a while, but the little Fengling who had been quiet all this time burst into tears.

Seeing Xiao Fengling crying, Mo Shenhan went over nervously, "Little Fengling, what's wrong with you?"

Mo Shenhan's face was a little nervous.

An Xiaoer's heart warmed when she saw Mo Shenhan being so nervous about the child. She didn't know when it started. Mo Shenhan, who was always indifferent to the child, became so nervous just after the child cried.

Maybe it's because he really loves Little Fengling!

An Xiaoer went up to take a look, "She just peed, she needs to change her diaper."

(End of this chapter)

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