The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1019 The Two-Player World in City H

Chapter 1019 The World of Two in City H
At 06:30, the servant knocked on the door and said it was time for dinner. At this time, Mo Shenhan and Dugujin had just finished a round of competition. They put away their phones and finally went downstairs with An Xiaoer.

The nurse was holding Xiao Fengling and feeding her.

Although An Xiaoer has breast milk, Bai Xi still ordered the nanny to breastfeed Xiao Fengling, so that An Xiaoer wouldn't be so tired.

During the meal, Dugu Liuhua finally met the man his daughter yearns for!

He is very handsome, looking at this appearance, it is estimated that a woman will be confused by this face, right?

No wonder An Xiaoer liked it!
"Xiao'er, come back this time, stay a few more days before leaving!" Although Dugu Liuhua had a simple first impression of Mo Shenhan, he didn't talk to him first, but turned to An Xiaoer Said.

An Xiaoer smiled, "Prepare to stay for two or three days!"

Dugu Liuhua nodded, and then looked at Mo Shenhan, "Shenhan, is the Mo family's company very busy? If it is busy, we have to deal with it. If it is not busy, just stay a few more days and be with us. These old people!"

When he said these words, Dugu Liuhua took a look at Bai Xi even more.

The so-called old man, of course, meant him and Bai Xi.

Mo Shenhan nodded, "It's not too busy, Xiao'er can stay here to accompany you more."

Look, how considerate and thoughtful Mo Shenhan answered!
Dugu Liuhua is an elder, he is also the chairman of Dugu Group, he is also a very stable man, and he doesn't like others to disobey him too much. At this moment, Mo Shenhan is giving him face. In his heart, he treats this son-in-law as a I'm pretty satisfied.

Bai Xi did have her own ideas, so she said, "I think Xiao'er doesn't have a job in City B yet, and it happens that the company is also developing in City B, so let Xiao'er develop directly in the company. Time to go to the company over there, it's pretty close to Mo Shenhan."

An Xiaoer heard Bai Xi mention this matter more than once, she knew that Bai Xi had this idea, now she looked at Dugu Liuhua, "Dad, Mom, if you want me to join the company, you can Yes, it's just that I don't know much about the company, and there are many things that I don't understand, so what should I do if I can't do it well?"

Although An Xiaoer has worked in the Moyu Group and is considered to have work experience, An Xiaoer is still a little worried.

"You have to learn everything slowly, it's nothing." When Bai Xi heard that An Xiaoer agreed, a bright smile appeared on her lips. It's fine for An Xiaoer to join the company if she wants to. At home, you don't have to worry about anything at all, let people teach, everything is easy to talk about.

Mo Shenhan listened to Dugu Liuhua and Bai Xi thinking about this for their daughter, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he didn't say anything.

However, in my heart, I was really happy for An Xiaoer.

Mo Shenhan knew An Xiaoer's experience. With a adoptive mother like Xiao Guirong, she was not treated well since she was a child. An Xiaoer suffered a lot. Seeing An Xiaoer getting along well with her biological parents now Naturally, he was happy for An Xiaoer.

"By the way, Mom, Xiao Fengling, I want you to take care of it first. I have some things to deal with in City B, so it's not convenient to take care of the children." An Xiaoer thought about Xiao Fengling, so she asked Bai Xi.

In the eyes of outsiders, Dugu Xinyue has never been married, let alone has no children. If she has a child, wouldn't it make people suspicious?

(End of this chapter)

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