The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 102 Holding Mo Shenhan's Ball

Chapter 102 Holding Mo Shenhan's Ball

At this time, the elevator just opened, An Xiaoer secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and rushed out the door.

Mo Shenhan looked at the people walking away, and suddenly regretted that he didn't hold on to the phone. What if he could see some of An Xiaoer's secrets from that phone?

However, Mo Shenhan was not that interested. After all, what he wanted to know could be found by asking people to check it.

Just to see if he's interested.

Mo Shenhan never expected that An Xiaoer's other child was hiding in An Xiaoer's house, and the fact that he discovered a shocking secret, just passed by like that.

Looking at the woman who ran away in a hurry as soon as she got out of the elevator, his eyes darkened, and he always felt that the little wild cat was hateful. What should have happened and what should not have happened happened, and she dared to tell him: I don’t care about him. ,very good!
Don't care about him!

He, Mo Shenhan, was disgusted by others!
Mo Shenhan looked at the disappearing people and felt bored, so he also returned to the Mo family.

As soon as he got home, there was a ball flying towards him, which made him stunned for a long time.

"Dad, Dad, you are finally here!"

When An Yingnian heard the news of his father's return, let alone how excited he was, he had stayed at Mo's house for three days, but he hadn't seen his father until now.

Ahhh, although he eats and drinks well here, it's so boring and no one plays with him.

The boy named Mo Ruiyang was too scary, his room was so tidy, it was even cleaner and tidy than his mother's room, not at all his An Yingnian's style.

Also, the table was full of books that he didn't know how to read. The densely packed words made it annoying for An Ying to read.

During the three days in Mo's house, without his mother by his side, although he ate a lot of food, he was not used to it. It was really depressing.

God knows how difficult these days are, and God knows how much he misses his mother and grandma.

However, because he has never seen what his father looks like since he was a child, he really wants to see his father.

Since that Mo Ruiyang looks the same as him, then his father should also look the same. An Yingnian decided to take a look at his father before leaving.

Now, looking at tall dad, dad is so handsome, no wonder he is so handsome too!

Looks like he inherited his father's genes!

An Yingnian jumped into her father's arms, but her father was too tall, so he could only hold her father's thigh.

Mo Shenhan looked down, this short little guy, Mo Ruiyang!

The corners of his lips twitched immediately, what happened to his son?
Isn't it always cold and cold, at most you can only look at him, and sometimes you don't even call your father?

Why did she pounce on him like a ball today?

Mo Shenhan doesn't like being touched too closely by others, even if that person is his own son.

What's more, after so many years, when did he have close contact with his son?If Mo Shenhan was not too indifferent to his son, Mo Ruiyang would not have become as cold as him.

At this moment, seeing his son hugging his thigh abnormally, Mo Shenhan lifted his clothes with one hand and dragged him one meter away from him.

"Mo Ruiyang, how old are you? Why are you clinging like a three-year-old?"

Mo Shenhan frowned, then turned and left, completely ignoring An Yingnian's "warm hospitality" to the father he only had in his dream.

An Yingnian looked at her father who was walking away, and her little heart shattered. Is this how fathers are?

Having a father is really not something to be proud of, it is better to have no father!

However, he was not reconciled, so he ran after his father with his calves, "Dad, although I am not three years old, I am only five years old!"

(End of this chapter)

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