Chapter 1027 Can I Meet You

"I said, An Xiaoer is dead! Dead, after going to City H, she got into a car accident and died!"

Seeing that Chu Qingye had heard the news of An Xiaoer's death, Mo Qingge's expression became even colder. She almost uttered these words in hysterical words!

At this moment, Chu Qingye didn't think about anything, so she just left the hospital like that!

Mo Qingge looked at the back of him leaving, feeling extremely wronged in her heart!
She is usually a person who likes to pretend to be wronged, and likes to flirt with others, but now, looking at the person she likes, she said that what she hates the most is that she flirts with others, and seeing him leave so nervously because of another woman Looking at his back, he just felt extremely wronged!
The grievance this time is not pretending, but from the heart!
Tears fell down unconsciously, "Chu Qingye, you bastard, the reason why I did that was because I love you? I love you, I want to be with you, I can't let others The woman who stole you!"

Mo Qingge cried sadly at this moment, the tears were very violent, but her eyes were even more vicious, her eyes were fierce, "An Xiaoer, you died so well! Hehehe! But when you died, Chu Qingye still died. Why do you care so much about you?"

Because of her psychological imbalance, she hated An Xiao'er even more!
An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan are still in City H at the moment, strolling around the scenery of City H. At this moment, Mo Shenhan's cell phone rang, and the news about Mo Qingge's car accident also reached his ear.

"Understood!" Hearing the news, Mo Shenhan was a little surprised, but he was still very calm, so he hung up the phone.

The two siblings, Mo Shenhan, Mo Qingge, and Mo Shenlie, naturally couldn't have feelings for each other. Other than hate, it's still nothing more than hate.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Mo Shenhan answered a phone call, An Xiaoer asked.

"Mo Qingge was in a car accident!" Mo Shenhan told An Xiaoer about it.

"Ah?" An Xiaoer obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen. She was taken aback for a moment, and then said "huh" without saying anything else.

Mo Shenhan observed An Xiaoer's expression, she seemed to have no sympathy at all.

An Xiao'er is a very kind person. After knowing that something happened to someone else, she would usually not be like this, but she is like this today. There is only one reason!
She really hates Mo Qingge!

At this moment, Mo Shenhan felt even more that there was really some grievance between Mo Qingge and An Xiaoer!Moreover, it does not belong to the kind of petty grievances!
"Xiao'er, that person Mo Qingge has a lot of tricks, you should be more careful with her." Mo Shenhan reminded her at this time.

He could sense that there was a grievance between An Xiaoer and Mo Qingge, and it was estimated that Mo Qingge would cause trouble for An Xiaoer, so he reminded him now.

"Don't worry, I will!" An Xiaoer nodded, she would naturally know about this matter!
Besides, since An Xiaoer chose to go back, she is ready to fight Mo Qing to the end!

They were talking, and at this moment, a phone call came from someone.

It's an unfamiliar number!

In fact, An Xiaoer changed her number, and she didn't record many people's numbers, even if it wasn't a stranger's, An Xiaoer might not know it.

She picked it up, "Hello?..."

"Dugu Xinyue, can I see you? I'm Chu Qingye!"

(End of this chapter)

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