Chapter 1033 Husband, I want~
Mo Shenhan looked at the cell phone thrown by Xiao Fengling, and it fell on the retro floor beside him. Mo Shenhan was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, "Lost the cell phone?"

When An Xiaoer saw this scene, she immediately laughed, "Hahaha, Xiao Fengling probably doesn't want Dad to play with the phone, so he took it away and threw it away, Xiao Fengling, you want Dad to play with you, don't Are you playing on your phone?"

An Xiao'er hugged the child and just laughed so shamelessly!

Mo Shenhan had no choice but to pick up the phone. The tempered film was already broken, but the phone was fine.

Mo Shenhan looked at Xiao Fengling, "Baby girl, you said you are not a big person, but you have a big temper. If you want to drop your phone, it's no problem. Dad will buy it for you tomorrow. You can drop it however you want!"

An Xiaoer was dumbfounded when she heard what Mo Shenhan said, Mo Shenhan, such a local tyrant!
She looked at Mo Shenhan, "Honey, I want it too!~"

An Xiaoer's voice was delicate. In fact, her mobile phone was very good, so there was no need to change it. However, seeing Mo Shenhan doting on her daughter like this, she found it interesting, so she also taught her.

Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, looking at An Xiaoer's appearance, "You can if you want, but first you have to do one thing, put Xiao Fengling back in the crib, otherwise, there is no way."

Mo Shenhan gave An Xiaoer such an answer!
An Xiaoer was stunned, "Why put Xiao Fengling back in the crib?"

"Just be obedient!"

An Xiaoer nodded. Although she didn't know what Mo Shenhan was going to do, she obediently followed and put Xiao Fengling back on the crib.

In this way, can Mo Shenhan satisfy her request for a mobile phone?

So simple!

Well, in fact, there is no shortage of money to buy a mobile phone, it's just for fun to tease Mo Shenhan.

"But what?" An Xiaoer asked after putting Little Fengling on the crib.

"Then come here." Mo Shenhan waved to An Xiaoer.

"Oh~" An Xiaoer nodded.

An Xiaoer went to sit on the sofa, while Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer just like that leisurely, the picture was suitable and casual.

However, An Xiaoer never understood, what exactly is Mo Shenhan going to do?
Just when An Xiaoer was wondering, Mo Shenhan turned on the laptop.

Maybe he wants to work, An Xiaoer thought.

An Xiaoer changed a channel, changed a program, and unexpectedly, she saw a TV series starring Mo Shenye!
When An Xiaoer saw someone she was familiar with, and also her favorite idol, she naturally looked at him with interest.

The heroine is Mu Xiyue. Mu Xiyue and Mo Shenye are working together like that. An Xiaoer looks at it and feels that the plot is okay.

"Although I don't like Mu Xiyue, Mu Xiyue's acting skills are really good!" An Xiaoer watched the TV with emotion.

Lying in Mo Shenhan's arms, staring at the TV, and eating some melon seeds, fruits, etc., this feeling is quite good!
An Xiaoer never noticed that Mo Shenhan was fiddling with the computer until...

Suddenly came...

"Ah, don't..." The voice, that voice, is very ecstasy.

An Xiaoer's whole body tensed up, and she turned her head to see that it was...Huang Man...

Oh my god... An Xiaoer's eyes widened immediately, so Mo Shenhan is not busy with work, but looking for Huang Man?

"Don't you want it? Are you sure you don't want it? You don't want me to be aggressive towards you, do you want to?" A sexy, ambiguous, ambiguous voice came from the screen on the computer.

An Xiaoer quickly covered her face, "Mo Shenhan, turn it off!"

Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, looked at An Xiaoer, "Don't you want to?..."

(End of this chapter)

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