Chapter 1041 Xiaoer, I'm Sorry
The few people talked a lot, and An Xiaoer was also sincerely grateful for their company!

Later, as the night gradually darkened, An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan returned to the room!

Xiao Fengling did not stay in the same room with Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer, but was taken care of by Bai Xi.

Bai Xi took the initiative to take care of the child, probably because he wanted to let Mo Shenhan and An Xiao'er spend more time together, or because they were afraid that they would only care about the two and would not have time to look after the child.

night... deep.

Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer were lying on the bed, Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer, hugging deeply!

"Why? So strange today?" An Xiaoer asked with a smile as she looked at Mo Shenhan's indifferent expression.

Mo Shenhan shook his head, didn't say anything, but continued to hug An Xiaoer, and kept looking at her.

An Xiaoer felt that such a scene was a bit embarrassing, An Xiaoer lowered her head, and simply lay down to sleep, because she was not used to Mo Shenhan just looking at her like this, staring at her so intently and saying a word He didn't seem to say anything, not to mention, there was sadness in his expression!

An Xiao'er was lying down, and Mo Shenhan was also lying down. He didn't speak, and he didn't speak for a long, long time. He just hugged An Xiaoer, resting his head on her head, just hugging like that.

Mo Shenhan tonight is a bit special!
"Mo Shenhan, are you in a bad mood because you found out that this incident has something to do with Mo Qingge?" An Xiaoer asked.

After all, after Dugujin said this tonight, Mo Shenhan seemed to be in a bad mood all along!
"En, I'm sorry, Xiaoer!" Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer tightly, and then, just hugging her like that, said such a sentence!

There is a bit of sadness in the words!
"I'm sorry, but I never investigated this matter during the year you left, I only know that I hate you!" Mo Shenhan apologized, hugging An Xiaoer even tighter!

When An Xiaoer heard Mo Shenhan say this, she felt a little turbulent in her heart, "I don't blame you, I didn't tell you, hang on to me!"

The reason why An Xiaoer didn't want to tell Mo Shenhan was because she was worried that if Mo Shenhan found out, she would be angry, and then she would make trouble with Mo Qingge, which would make the Mo family restless, which is not good!

However, although she wanted to hide it, it was still exposed because of Dugu Jin's words.

Fate is arranged like this, maybe there is really no need to deliberately conceal it?

What Mo Shenhan said was right, this matter was a matter between the two of them, and originally, Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer should face it together.

She shouldn't have kept it from him!
"Tell me, what happened a year ago?" Mo Shenhan's voice was low and cold.

"Okay, if you want to hear it, I'll tell you." An Xiaoer said.

Since Mo Shenhan wanted to know what happened a year ago, and Mo Shenhan also knew about it and it had something to do with Mo Qingge, then it was right to let him know what happened back then.

So, An Xiaoer told Mo Shenhan what happened a year ago.

"The matter should start after Yangyang and Niannian were recognized by us. At that time, Yangyang lived in my house. At that time, Mo Qingge was very concerned about my previous relationship with Chu Qingye, and Chu Qingye Ye and I still have a relationship, she is even more upset because of this, so she started trying to teach me a lesson!"

(End of this chapter)

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