Chapter 1056 Facing It All Calmly

"But, in fact, I didn't hate her anymore. I really didn't hate her! Now that I see An Manran become like this, I don't hate her anymore. Instead, I feel that they are actually very pitiful!"

After all, An Xiaoer is a kind-hearted person, and she really can't always hate a person. After what happened to that person, she can only feel emotional!
"Xiao'er, don't think too much!" Mo Shenhan could clearly feel her sadness.

"En!" An Xiaoer nodded and looked at the time. After four o'clock, An Xiaoer thought of Xiao Guirong. She sighed, looked at Mo Shenhan, and said, "Mo Shenhan, we went to visit my Foster mother!"

"Okay!" Mo Shenhan nodded.

Mo Shenhan supported An Xiaoer's idea, no matter whether she couldn't let it go in the past and didn't want to visit Xiao Guirong, and now she wanted to visit her at this moment, Mo Shenhan supported her.

Mo Shenhan drove towards the flower shop, bought a bunch of flowers, and finally drove towards Xiao Guirong's cemetery.

At that time, Xiao Guirong's funeral was arranged by Mo Shenhan, and the cemetery he bought was also a good one. Mo Shenhan knew where it was, so he took An Xiaoer there!
The mountain is very quiet, the rows are full of cemeteries, and on the stone streets layer by layer, there are some fallen leaves, which makes the passers-by feel a little sad in their hearts.

Occasionally passing some cemeteries, there are some visiting flowers on them, obviously someone has been here not long ago.

An Xiaoer sighed, it has been a year, she has passed a full year, and she has the courage to take this step before she has the courage to stand in front of Xiao Guirong's grave.

In fact, I really forgave her a long time ago, but I didn't want to come here for a long time, and I don't know what the reason was. Maybe it was because she didn't wait for her to look at her, so let's go!
Just leave a letter of apology...

What is the use?
An Xiaoer placed the flowers in front of Xiao Guirong's grave, and finally stood there, bowing deeply, "Mom, I'm here to see you! I'm sorry, I don't know why I only came to see you now , although I am not your daughter, but An Manran is, but I still want to call you mother, after all, although the life is hard, no matter what, I have spent all these years with you. "

"I saw An Manran today. I brought you a bad disappearance. An Manran is crazy. I don't know why. I suddenly feel that she is very pitiful! No matter what she is, after all, she is Your biological daughter, you must be very sad to hear this news, right? In fact, I am also very sad, but things have happened, and there is nothing I can do... Don't worry, I will find a good doctor for her , I hope she can recover!"

When talking about this, An Xiaoer became sad again, and then she sighed, "It seems that I have been talking about sad things, let me tell you something happy, I gave birth to a daughter, now, I Being with Mo Shenhan is very happy, although we still have some difficulties and cannot be completely together, but we will work hard, don't worry!"

"By the way, I found my biological mother. I was quite surprised about this, but I still found it. It was just a coincidence that I found it. Now, they are all very kind to me! I am really Live a good life and cherish everything I have now!"

(End of this chapter)

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