The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1061 What I want the most is by my side

Chapter 1061 What I want the most is by my side

Seeing An Xiaoer's regretful expression, Mo Shenhan smiled, "Actually, I have one very regrettable thing."

An Xiaoer, who was still trying to eat, was taken aback when she heard Mo Shenhan say this, and looked at him intently, "What's the matter?"

"It's about your pregnancy. I feel very sorry. I didn't take care of you by your side, I didn't see what the baby looked like when it kicked you, and I didn't give the baby prenatal education!... In short, there are many, many things, Didn't realize it!"

Mo Shenhan felt that this was a pity to meet him!

Why didn't he know anything when An Xiaoer was pregnant?At that time, if he had investigated An Xiaoer's situation, such a thing would not have happened, would it?

Hearing what An Xiaoer said, Mo Shenhan smiled slightly, and looked at him, "Eh, what should I do?"

Mo Shenhan, "Or else, another one?"

An Xiaoer's face turned dark immediately, she was still eating steak, but now she put the fork aside, "Mo Shenhan, do you think I'm a pig?"

Mo Shenhan laughed immediately, "Hahaha, I'm just kidding! How can I bear to let my baby go through the pain of giving birth again?"

An Xiaoer: "..."

"Mo Shenhan, if you feel regretful, then you can spoil me even more. I didn't know you when you were thinking about it, so you were naturally not by my side. When Xiao Fengling was born, Because you left you due to setbacks, so you are no longer by my side, then you should spoil me even more and make up for what you owe me!"

When An Xiaoer said these words, the smile on the corner of her lips was always a light smile.

There is even more satisfaction in the eyes.

In fact, An Xiaoer was very happy that Mo Shenhan was aware of this and told her about it!

Mo Shenhan said that he didn't experience those processes. Although he was a little regretful, An Xiaoer felt that Mo Shenhan's ability to realize this was a sign of loving her more!

Mo Shenhan, a person who doesn't love, will not give so much, and only if he loves, will he find a way to give more, and for An Xiaoer, he actually does his best to give the best However, she was still worried that An Xiaoer would not be happy!

How lucky is it to meet such a man, to be liked by such a man, and to live in such a man's heart?
An Xiaoer is really satisfied, very satisfied!
However, life is not perfect, and there are many flaws. Mo Shenhan has not realized these, but there are many things between her and An Xiaoer that others cannot understand!

Mo Shenhan heard An Xiaoer say with a smile, just love her more!He smiled, "I don't spoil you, who do I spoil? What else do you want? I'll give it to you!"

An Xiaoer's lips curled into a smile, "I want you..."

The words are very ambiguous and light, but the content of the words is very heavy!

An Xiaoer's smile was also very sweet, she added, "I want to have you all my life!"

When Mo Shenhan heard An Xiaoer say this, his heart immediately felt sweet, and there was a sweet smile on his face, and his eyes were full of doting.

He held An Xiaoer's hand and replied, "This is not difficult!"

When An Xiaoer heard this, she immediately laughed, very satisfied! "What I want the most is already by my side, and I don't want anything else!"

(End of this chapter)

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