Chapter 1063
"Then, do you want me? Do you like me treating you like this?" Mo Shenhan's voice was full of ambiguity at this moment, and it was said on An Xiaoer's lips.

The voice was clear and shallow, full of ambiguity, and because of that ambiguous breath, An Xiaoer's heart suddenly thumped!

"Mo Shenhan, are shameless!"

Really, when asked if An Xiaoer loves him, it is not difficult for Mo Shenhan to answer, but when asked if he wants him and likes him treating her like this, An Xiaoer really can't answer. What a shame!

Mo Shenhan hasn't been like this for a long time!

In fact, An Xiaoer's inner answer is: I want it, and I like it too!
However, such words are so shameful, how could An Xiaoer have the nerve to say them?
So, An Xiaoer just shut up like that, and didn't speak!
"Answer me quickly! Be good..." Mo Shenhan was clearly looking at An Xiaoer with reluctance, and even bit her little ear directly, making An Xiaoer itch!
"Hmm..." An Xiaoer felt wronged and embarrassed!
However, Mo Shenhan made An Xiaoer even more uncomfortable with some tricks. Mo Shenhan stopped their movements at this moment, but he made An Xiaoer even more uncomfortable. An Xiaoer's body , couldn't help it, and moved towards Mo Shenhan's body!
For An Xiaoer's reaction, Mo Shenhan was naturally very satisfied. She also knew what An Xiaoer was thinking, but because she wanted to communicate with her, she continued, "Quickly answer me, obedient... ..."

An Xiaoer: "..."

So, Mo Shenhan continued to torture An Xiaoer, and An Xiaoer really had no choice but to surrender proudly, "I, I answer, can't I?"

"Well, answer!" Mo Shenhan was obviously satisfied with An Xiaoer's reaction!
An Xiaoer sighed, "I want... like..."

"Thinking about what?"

"want to……"

"what do you like?"

"Like... huh~?"

But, why did An Xiaoer not say anything yet, but Mo Shenhan had already started?

An Xiaoer was a little depressed, Mo Shenhan really tried his best to trick her!
An Xiaoer was depressed and a little angry, "Mo Shenhan! You tortured me sincerely!"

Mo Shenhan smiled awkwardly, "Baby, you are so beautiful, I can't control myself!"

An Xiaoer: "..."

So, Mo Shenhan wanted to say, he didn't do it on purpose just now, but was it his body's instinct?

Hey, at this moment, what else could An Xiaoer say when Mo Shenhan said this?I could only smile helplessly, "You deserve it for telling me to torture me!"

"Who do you think deserves it?"

"You! Ah, I was wrong..."


However, in the hospital, Mo Qingge had been waiting all this time, but unexpectedly, Mo Shenhan and Dugu Xinyue hadn't been seen. He picked up his phone and called Mo Shenhan!

But the result is, "The phone you dialed is turned off..."

Shut down!
Mo Qingge was even more angry now, her face was ugly, if it wasn't because this is a hospital, she would probably be so angry that she would throw something!

She doesn't have Dugu Xinyue's cell phone number, so at this moment, she can only continue to wait!

However, after waiting for an hour, Mo Shenhan and Dugu Xinyue still didn't come over, her face was turning green, and she was extremely angry, "Mo Shenhan, Dugu Xinyue, how dare you let me go, what a show!" !"

(End of this chapter)

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