The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1065 Who is in the light, who is in the dark

Chapter 1065 Who is in the light, who is in the dark

"Hmph!" Mo Qingge snorted coldly, and did not answer An Xiaoer's words.

"Dugu Xinyue, you are so calm, I don't even know if you are An Xiaoer after all!" Mo Qingge's tone showed a bit of lightness!

An Xiaoer was a little nervous, because Mo Qingge's words didn't sound quite right.

However, An Xiaoer could still hold her breath, looking at Mo Qingge now, "Is it An Xiaoer, don't you know if I have DNA?"

"Hmph, don't be so proud of yourself! I will watch the whole process, you don't want to play tricks!" Mo Qingge said this with a cold face!
Finally, the DNA started. They used Nian Nian's hair and An Xiaoer's saliva. They handed the things over to the doctor in person, and waited for the results under the watchful eyes of everyone!

From the looks of it, there should be no fraud!
However, Mo Qingge was really worried that Mo Shenhan or Dugu Xinyue would bribe the doctor, so she was very vigilant, "Doctor, this is related to the internal information of the good Mo family, don't do anything !"

Hearing this, the doctor looked calm, and glanced at Mo Shenhan from the corner of his eye, "Of course I won't play tricks!"

Mo Qingge didn't say anything more!

They handed over their things and went back, because the results would not be available until tomorrow.

After finishing the results, Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer left, and Mo Qingge also left by herself. In the car, An Xiaoer was actually a little nervous, "Mo Shenhan, tell me, what if something goes wrong? I don't want them to know that I am An Xiaoer!"

Mo Shenhan smiled, "Even if they know you are An Xiaoer, I will still be with you!"

"However, your family is very opposed to it now. Moreover, if Mo Qingge finds out that I am An Xiaoer, she will definitely try her best to frame me. I am still very worried about that poison. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it."

"Don't worry too much, I've sent someone to investigate the antidote." Mo Shenhan said.

"But it's hard to find an antidote!"

"Actually, it's always good for us to be a little more defensive, isn't it? Even if she doesn't know that you are An Xiaoer now, it doesn't rule out that if she doesn't know that you are An Xiaoer, she won't hurt you. You still have to be careful! "

"Understood!" An Xiaoer nodded.
However, at this moment, after Mo Qingge left the hospital, she went to a place where she, Mo Shenlie and their mother used to live.

"An Xiaoer, you probably don't know. In fact, I already know that you are An Xiaoer! You said that you tried all kinds of methods just to bury An Xiaoer's identity, so why bother?"

"Besides, you dare to fight against me!" Mo Qingge's face was icy cold at this moment!

"I brought An Manran to Mo's house to show you. Do you think I just want to scare you? I knew that after you saw her, you would definitely react! If you hadn't gone to the cemetery yesterday, I'm not sure yet. You are An Xiao'er, you said, you really cast yourself into a trap!"

That's right, when An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan went to the cemetery yesterday, Mo Qingge watched a little bit and saw it all!

Therefore, at this moment, she was sure that An Xiaoer was Dugu Xinyue, and Dugu Xinyue was An Xiaoer!
Even without a paternity test, she would still know!

After all, if Dugu Xinyue wasn't An Xiaoer, then why did she go to Xiao Guirong's cemetery?

(End of this chapter)

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