Chapter 1069 Disturbing the World of Two

An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan finally went upstairs with Niannian's luggage, and Mo Shiqi still had some things to deal with, so they didn't go up!
Sitting on the sofa, An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan with a puzzled expression on her face, and asked, "Mo Shenhan, tell me, did Aunt Lan find out something? Why did she ask Niannian to come and live here? "

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiao'er, and then at Nian Nian, "It's possible, but it doesn't necessarily mean you've discovered something, after all, Aunt Lan's people, you know, are very kind to us and know the general situation! "

An Xiaoer was still a little puzzled, she looked at Mo Shenhan and then at Niannian, "Niannian, did your grandma say anything?"

Nian Nian was eating the fruit on the table, "Well, grandma said, tell me to cultivate more relationships with you!"

"It's really just like this?" An Xiaoer was puzzled, but in the end, she could only think this way temporarily.

"Mom, it's hard for me to come and live with you and dad, and to live with you, but why do I feel that you don't seem very happy?" Nian Nian looked at An Xiaoer's worried look, and suddenly Just wondering!
An Xiaoer was embarrassed, "Nian Nian, it's not like this, mother is of course happy that Nian Nian can come and live!"

Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, "Nian Nian, why did you come here to disturb the two-person world of me and your mother?"

In fact, it was just a joke, and Mo Shenhan would not really dislike Nian Nian just because of this.

However, Nian Nian was very reckless, and when he heard Mo Shenhan say this, he quickly hugged An Xiaoer, "Dad, it should be me and Mom living in a two-person world, and you are here to disturb me." us!"

What else can Mo Shenhan say?With such a son, what else can he say?
It can only be emotion!
My son is grown up, so I know how to refute it!

An Xiaoer listened to the conversation between the father and son, and now she could only laugh out loud!
What a pair of real treasures!

Now that Nian Nian came over, An Xiaoer went to clean up his room.

It's still the same as a year ago, the place where they live hasn't changed at all, it's a pity that Yang Yang doesn't live here anymore!
Just as An Xiaoer finished her work, An Xiaoer's cell phone rang. It was Lin Xiaoxiao's call.

"Xiao'er, where are you now?" Lin Xiao's voice was a little anxious.

"I, I'm with Mo Shenhan, what's wrong?" An Xiaoer replied, "We're in the apartment, where we used to live!"

Lin Xiaoxiao remembered that An Xiaoer had told Mo Shenhan not to know, but when she heard her words now, she was stunned, "Are you reconciled?"

An Xiaoer nodded, "Yes!"

After hearing this, Lin Xiaoxiao was very happy, "That's really great!"

Lin Xiaoxiao sincerely wished them reconciliation, and An Xiaoer was naturally very happy, "Xiao Xiao, Nian Nian is here with me now, Mo Shenhan and I are here, do you want to come over?"

Hearing An Xiaoer's words, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately became excited and nodded, "Okay, I'll go over now!"

After a while, Lin Xiaoxiao passed by, looking at Nian Nian, she was very happy, "Nian Nian, I haven't seen you for a long time, you have grown a lot taller!"

An Xiaoer nodded, "Yeah, I've really grown a lot taller!"

An Xiaoer bought Lin Xiaoxiao a cup of coffee, "Xiaoxiao, how is your work going?"

(End of this chapter)

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