Chapter 1071 Three people, sleep together
"Have Mo Shenye and Mu Xiyue gotten very close recently?" Mo Shenhan asked.

Lin Xiaoxiao seemed a little excited, and said, "They are already very close!"

There seemed to be some dissatisfaction between the words.

An Xiaoer heard something, "Xiao Xiao, why do I feel that your words have some sour taste?"

An Xiaoer seemed a little guilty, seeing An Xiaoer's hasty retort, "No, no, Xiaoer, don't tease me, I'm just annoyed when they say bad things about you! You're so kind, you actually made fun of me!"

Lin Xiaoxiao said this with a nervous expression.

An Xiao'er still remembered that the two of them seemed to be at odds a year ago, and she didn't know what was going on now.

But now, when Lin Xiaoxiao mentioned that Mo Shenye and Mu Xiyue were getting very close, and seemed to have a big mood swing, she became suspicious.

"No? Then, why are you so nervous?" An Xiaoer continued to tease.

Now Lin Xiaoxiao is unhappy, she can only helplessly, "Sister Xiao'er, I really don't have it! I don't like him!"

"I didn't say you liked him!" An Xiaoer could hear something even more.

Mo Shenhan watched from the side, with a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

Lin Xiaoxiao said, "I'm just an ordinary person, so how can I have anything to do with him? There are many people who like him, and he is a famous Guo Hui star! He is comparable to Mu Xiyue. good match."

When talking about Mo Late Night, Lin Xiaoxiao seemed a little agitated, but she kept denying it, so An Xiaoer naturally didn't say anything, just kept silent.

Mo Shenhan said, "It's nothing. Two people, as long as they like each other, it doesn't matter what their identities are."

Lin Xiaoxiao heard Mo Shenhan say this, her eyes shook slightly, her lips parted, but she didn't speak.

"Yeah, I actually think that if Lin Xiaoxiao and Mo Shenye are together, they would be a good match!" An Xiaoer continued to tease her.

"I, I already have a boyfriend! Xiao'er, I really have nothing to do with him!" Now, Lin Xiaoxiao was really anxious.

"Okay, okay, I won't make fun of you anymore!" An Xiaoer laughed.

Lin Xiaoxiao came here to play with them, An Xiaoer was naturally happy, and chatted a lot with Lin Xiaoxiao, both of them were very happy.

Nian Nian was in it, listening to them talk, sometimes interjecting, very happy.

As the night gradually deepened, Lin Xiaoxiao realized that it was already very late and it was time to go back.

An Xiaoer sent Lin Xiaoxiao to the elevator, and she just left like this!
An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan took a bath. This night, Niannian asked to sleep with her mother, and An Xiaoer naturally agreed.

However, Mo Shenhan was a little unhappy!
"Nian Nian, how old are you? How can you sleep with your mother?"

"But, I miss Mom, you've been sleeping with Mom for so long, I, I'll just sleep for one night, okay? Dad? I know you're the best!"

Saying that, Nian Nian grabbed Mo Shenhan and began to act like a baby.

"Okay, baby, sleep with Mom and Dad tonight!" An Xiaoer pulled Nian Nian, calling the shots!
In this family, it's basically what An Xiaoer says. If An Xiaoer said this, Mo Shenhan could only obediently and not object!
So, tonight, Nian Nian succeeded and slept with An Xiaoer.

(End of this chapter)

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