Chapter 1075

"I said, figure it out, when did I leave you here? You were the one who stayed here and didn't want to leave. Do you want to blame me now?"

Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's complaint late at night, Mo was immediately depressed.

Indeed, it wasn't that he wanted to leave Lin Xiaoxiao here, but he said twice to ask Lin Xiaoxiao to get in the car, but Lin Xiaoxiao liked to stay here, what could he do?
Rather, he originally wanted to accompany her, but he just happened to receive a call. Mu Xiyue's voice was so sad that his heart tightened. Go see what's going on with her.

However, he was really worried about Lin Xiaoxiao, so he turned back in the end.

"Yes, yes, I, I was wrong!" Listening to Mo Ruiyang's words, Lin Xiaoxiao felt helpless and could only sigh, "I shouldn't lose my temper with you, it's my fault ,OK?"

Lin Xiaoxiao also knew that she really shouldn't have done it. She told Mo Shenye to leave, so she couldn't blame him, so she could only apologize.

Mo Shenye saw that she hadn't quarreled with him now, but now she didn't know what to say. He really didn't like the way she didn't talk back to him.

"Could it be that you were scared stupid?" Mo Shenye said such a sentence.

"You, really!..." Lin Xiaoxiao managed not to quarrel with him, but he actually called her stupid, which really pissed her off!
"It seems that you are not stupid! Get up quickly, how long are you going to sit on the ground?" Mo Shenye said.

He looked at her with a condescending attitude.

"I, I sprained my ankle, I didn't notice just now..."

"You woman, really, why are you so careless?" Hearing this, Mo Shenye felt helpless and could only bend down and pull her up.

Then, a princess hugged Lin Xiaoxiao into her arms.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao was hugged by Mo Shenye, her body was in the air, and she was so close to Mo Shenye, his breath could spray on her face, making her face turn red up.

Heartbeat, at this moment, it just started beating non-stop!

So fast, so fast, Lin Xiaoxiao was about to suffocate, and his face became hot and red like that...

Although Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know that she was blushing, she could feel the heat, and secretly scolded herself: Lin Xiaoxiao, Lin Xiaoxiao, you are really hopeless, how can your face be so hot, you are really too restless up!

However, fortunately, it was dark at this moment, and no one knew about Lin Xiaoxiao's mental activities.

In fact, holding Lin Xiaomo in the middle of the night, his heartbeat also inexplicably accelerated, very quickly, he walks on the red carpet and on the stage that attracts everyone's attention on weekdays, but he has never been so nervous for a moment , this feeling of rapid heartbeat was so abnormal that he couldn't understand it.

However, both of them clearly felt that they were strange, but they both tried their best to pretend to be calm, looking normal.

Obviously it was only a short distance, but their hearts were very active, and there was a strange feeling that the time was also very long.

Mo Shenye finally took Lin Xiaoxiao back, but because of her injury, he took her back to the apartment directly.

(End of this chapter)

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