The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1083 An Xiaoer's Birthday Party

Chapter 1083 An Xiaoer's Birthday Party

"Butler, you are amazing! That's a good idea!" Lin Yiyi nodded immediately after hearing this.

Start with Mo Yingnian!And then framed An Xiaoer, this is really a good idea!
"However, now that Nian Nian has gone to live with Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer, it's not that easy to do it!" Lin Yiyi felt that although this idea was good, it was very troublesome to operate.

"Miss, it's because Nian Nian is not in the Mo family, it's easy to attack. In the Mo family, there are so many eyes watching, and you will be discovered if you don't pay attention." The housekeeper's view is different from Lin Yiyi's. She thinks that Nian Nian and An Xiaoer is together, there are not so many people to supervise, but it is easier to attack!

"It makes sense." Lin Yiyi nodded.


A few days gradually passed. During these days, Mo Shenhan, An Xiaoer, and Nian Nian all stayed in the apartment, and occasionally took time to go back to Mo's house together.

Although Mo Bozhi was still not very happy with Dugu Xinyue, he didn't say anything, he could only watch him and Mo Shenhan interact.

On this day, An Xiaoer's birthday came, and this day was also the first day of the new year, New Year's Day.

The Dugu family held a banquet in the hotel and invited many people over, including the Mo family, and the two families still had some business contacts.

"Today is New Year's Day, thank you all for taking the time to come to my son's banquet during the busy time." Dugu Liuhua spoke on the podium.

Then, there was a lot of applause from the audience.

"Today, I would like to introduce someone to you, that is my daughter. Everyone knows that I have a daughter, but I seldom show up. Today, I will introduce to you. My son is Dugu Jin. I His daughter is Dugu Xinyue, and they are twins, so they look very similar!"

Immediately afterwards, two people stood up, Dugu Jin and An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer's identity is now Dugu Xinyue, not many people know that she is An Xiaoer, "Hello everyone, thank you very much for coming to my brother's and my birthday party, I am Dugu Xinyue, very happy to meet you all. "

An Xiaoer gave an introduction.

Dugu Jin also said, "I am Dugu Jin, and my favorite thing to do is to bully my sister Dugu Xinyue, but no one can bully her except me!"

It seemed like a joke, but it seemed to be implying something between the guards.

"Good!!!" There was applause from the audience.

There were also people commenting, "Dugu Jin is only a few minutes older than Dugu Xinyue, but he really protects his sister like a big brother, which is really enviable!"

"Yeah, I also want to have such a big brother! I feel really happy!"

"The more important thing is that Dugu Jin is very handsome, why not?" A girl said in a nympho.

At today's banquet, there were many famous sons and daughters. Of course, there were also people from the Mo family and the Lin family.

Looking at all this, Lin Yiyi snorted coldly in her heart, but since she just came to City B, she was so anxious to let everyone know her, in order to let everyone know who she is, and to tell everyone that Mo Shenhan is her of it?
When Lin Yiyi thought of this, she hated Dugu Xinyue very much.

However, she just watched and didn't say anything.

The corners of Mo Qingge's lips curled into a faint smile. She gestured towards a person, and that person nodded, just...

(End of this chapter)

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