Chapter 1106 At least I love you

"Butler, don't let go!" Lin Yiyi was surrounded by many people at the moment, but she was very emotional.

When An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan heard Lin Yiyi's words, they both turned to look at her. An Xiaoer became even more angry, "Lin Yiyi, you vicious woman!"

Lin Yiyi was very angry, "You are An Xiao'er? You are actually An Xiao'er? Nian Nian actually called you. Mom! are back, and you dare not look at people with your true colors, you..."

Lin Yiyi originally wanted to use Nian Nian to plot against Dugu Xinyue, but unexpectedly, she turned out to be An Xiao'er!

Lin Yiyi obviously couldn't accept this sudden understanding.

An Xiaoer was very angry, "Hehe, am I An Xiaoer? I don't need to look at people with my true face. What does that have to do with you? It's all between me and Mo Shenhan. Is it too much?"

Lin Yiyi was also furious, "Why did you come back? Why did you come back? You dishonest woman, have you forgotten your agreement with the Lin family? After giving birth to a child, you took 1000 million, and the money is not yours anymore. You are so kind, not only took away my son, but also my beloved one!"

Six years ago, it was originally an accident. It was planned to make Mo Shenhan and Lin Yiyi have a relationship, and then the two families forced them to marry, but who would have thought that the plan failed, and then, this accidental relationship with Mo Shenhan The woman who had slept through the night in Shenhan was actually pregnant.

However, not long after that incident, Lin Yiyi had a car accident and became a vegetable.

This kind of accident is very likely to cancel the marriage contract of the two families. Therefore, the Lin family designed it to make everyone think that Lin Yiyi had gone abroad, and changed the date of her car accident to a year later, and even hugged a child and said , that is his and Lin Yiyi's child.

However, I thought that everything was well arranged, but who would have thought that the woman who promised to give birth to a child would actually be the winner in the end, and would just be with Mo Shenhan like that!

The sudden appearance of this woman caught everyone by surprise.

Lin Yiyi didn't know about her plan to have a baby at that time. At that time, she had already been involved in a car accident. However, this matter was arranged by the Lin family after all. Lin Yiyi also felt that if An Xiaoer obediently did nothing, then, Things won't turn out like this, and no one even knows that the child was not born by her.

Why are twins born?Why did this woman take the money, but instead snatch it away?

When Lin Yiyi thought of this, she felt that all of them had been tricked by An Xiaoer!
This An Xiaoer is really too much, and also very scheming!
Mo Shenhan looked at Lin Yiyi questioning An Xiaoer's dishonesty, and looked very angry, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his lips, "Lin Yiyi, you are too ridiculous, right?"

"Having a child, is it because of the transaction that the child is your child? You deceive me, but you still want to be a winner in life? Do you think you can always deceive me?"

When Lin Yiyi heard Mo Shenhan say this, she felt a little guilty. Indeed, if the child was not born by her, it was not born by her. In this matter, it is true that the Lin family has been deceiving the Mo family and Mo Shenhan.

"But, Han, you clearly know that I love you is true, at least, I have always loved you, and it has never changed!" Lin Yiyi felt wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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