Chapter 111 An Xiaoer's Bet

"You're not afraid. One day when I get excited, I'll throw her down and get you a big fat grandson?" Mo Shenhan said with a smile, looking at Mo Bozhi.

Mo Bozhi was really going to be pissed off by Mo Shenhan.

How could Mo Shenhan say such things in such a foolish way?
But even though he was always made very angry by Mo Shenhan, Mo Bozhi thought he knew his son very well.

Mo Shenhan is also the best of his sons, and the one that he is most satisfied with, so he rest assured that Moyu Group will be handed over to him to take care of.

"Let me tell you, it's impossible to marry Mu Xiyue." Mo Bozhi looked at Mo Shenhan and sneered. Thinking of the news that Mo Shenhan had kicked An Xiaoer out of the room, he smiled triumphantly. Make sure that Mo Shenhan doesn't like her, "As for An Xiaoer, hehe, you won't touch her."

Besides, Mo Shenhan is notoriously obsessed with cleanliness, so how could Mo Shenhan touch her?Mo Bozhi felt that there was no possibility at all.

Mo Shenhan looked at Mo Bozhi's confident look, and wondered, where did his father get his confidence?

"Why, Dad, you want to bet with me that seeing An Xiaoer climb into my bed, will I eat or not? Otherwise, how can you be so sure?"

"What kind of betting method?" Before Mo Bozhi could speak, Mo Shenlie became curious first.

Mo Shenhan originally wanted to point the conflict at Mo Shenlie, but now he couldn't hold back and took the initiative to bump a rabbit into a tree, so how could Mo Shenhan let go of this good opportunity?

Turning to look at him, "Why don't you just gamble with your 20.00% shares of Moyu, big brother, if An Xiaoer climbs into my bed within a week, I will sleep with her unceremoniously." , Then, big brother, your 20.00% of the shares will belong to me. If I don’t sleep with her, the apartment in the city center under my name will be given to big brother, and I won’t make things difficult for big brother again. How? Dad and big brother agreed ?"

Such a bet!
It was obvious that Mo Shenhan hated Mo Shenlie very much, and even satirized him one big brother at a time.

Mo Bozhi looked at the two sons with his eyes. When Mo Shenhan said this, he was still acting foolishly, but Mo Shenlie had already begun to consider Mo Shenhan's bet.

He is aware of Mo Shenhan's temperament. He has his own bottom line, and he strictly abides by it, and will not step on the bottom line.

However, it always feels weird for him to say such a bet today. Logically speaking, Mo Shenhan would not touch An Xiaoer. After all, An Xiaoer is the woman who climbed the bed and was kicked out.

But, since Mo Shenhan wouldn't touch An Xiaoer, why did he make such a bet?Mo Bozhi really couldn't understand what Mo Shenhan was thinking.

The disagreement between Mo Shenlie and Mo Shenhan has always been a sickness in his heart, but he can't solve it no matter what, if Mo Shenhan stopped targeting Mo Shenlie, then the family relationship might be better.

Mo Bozhi looked at his two sons, thinking about what to do, but at this moment, Mo Shenlie had already agreed.

"I would like to add one more thing, if you lose, hand over the position of company president, and you and I will bid together." Mo Shenlie added such a condition.

Mo Shenlie wanted to compete with Mo Shenhan for the position of president of Moyu Group, but he was ambitious, but he didn't know if he had the ability.

(End of this chapter)

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