Chapter 1112 An Xiaoer is Dugu Xinyue

"You knew I was An Xiao'er long ago?" Hearing Liu Piaolan say this, An Xiaoer was stunned for a moment, completely unexpected that Liu Piaolan already knew.

"Aunt Lan, how did you know that I am An Xiaoer?" An Xiaoer asked in embarrassment.

Liu Piaolan smiled and looked at her, "I watched Mo Shenhan grow up, he is not someone who just stays with you just because someone looks like An Xiaoer, also, Niannian likes you so much , although I always call you sister, but I can see that his liking seems to be wrong, so I guessed that you should be An Xiaoer."

"Actually, I'm not so sure, but in fact, as long as Mo Shenhan is happy, it's fine! Now, knowing that you are An Xiaoer, I feel relieved."

Liu Piaolan said something to An Xiaoer, these words made An Xiaoer stunned, she didn't know what to say, she could only smile, "Aunt Lan, so I haven't been able to hide it from you Those fiery eyes!"

Liu Piaolan smiled, "After all, your purpose is not to hide from me, is it?"

It was like joking, which made An Xiaoer feel less nervous. Facing Liu Piaolan now, she breathed a sigh of relief, "So, Aunt Lan, you let Niannian live with us because you want us to get along more. get along?"

Liu Piaolan shook her head, "No, not long ago I saw that child Qingge gave Niannian chocolate. After all, Niannian is still young. I'm afraid that Qingge will harm him. It's safer to be by your side."

"Mo Qingge gave Niannian chocolate?"

When An Xiaoer heard this, she was immediately surprised. She thought that Nian Nian did not have such a deep sense of defense after all, and when she thought of the poison in Yang Yang before, she was very afraid. Could it be that Mo Qingge had already been eaten by Nian Nian? Have you taken that poison?

Now, An Xiaoer was worried, and quickly turned her head to look at Nian Nian, "Nian Nian, did you eat the chocolate that Mo Qingge gave you?"

Niannian shook her head, "No, grandma told me not to eat it, so I didn't eat it."

An Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, quickly looked at Liu Piaolan, and said gratefully, "Aunt Lan, thank you, it's lucky to have you, otherwise, I don't know what would have happened."

Liu Piaolan smiled, "I just saw it by accident, just worried about Niannian."

Nian Nian smiled happily, "Mom, I've already given that chocolate to Yang Yang."

An Xiaoer was even more surprised now, "Why?"

Yang Yang said, "It's just used to extract the toxins inside and do experiments."

Hearing such words, An Xiaoer nodded in understanding, "Fortunately, I'm fine, Aunt Lan, thank you so much."

Aunt Lan shook her head, "I watched Mo Shenhan grow up from a young age, these are all fine, as long as you and Mo Shenhan are happy, in my opinion, it's not a problem."

An Xiaoer smiled, "Thank you, Aunt Lan."

Liu Piaolan asked, "By the way, Xiao'er, what is your relationship with the Dugu family? Why did you become the daughter of the Dugu family?"

From Liu Piaolan's point of view, this is really a very unexpected thing, and it will indeed be surprising. After all, compared with Dugu Xinyue's identity, An Xiaoer's identity is really very different.

Who would have thought that An Xiaoer would change her identity suddenly and become the daughter of a wealthy family?

The Mo family and the Dugu family are also well-matched.

(End of this chapter)

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