Chapter 1115 Let a man have a baby
"Mo Shenhan, do you think I'm a pig?" An Xiaoer was speechless when she heard Mo Shenhan's words!
She has given birth to three children!This guy actually wanted her to give birth to another child!He really treated her like a sow!

"Sows give birth to twelve a year, and you have only given birth to three in seven years. You are incomparable to sows." Seeing An Xiaoer's surprised expression, Mo Shenhan joked.

An Xiaoer was speechless immediately, "Mo Shenhan...have so many children, can you afford them?"

"Affordable!" Mo Shenhan replied directly.

An Xiaoer was depressed again, well, she didn't know what to say, but raising a child was really easy for Mo Shenhan, let alone four, even a hundred , for Mo Shenhan, it was also a very simple matter.

Who told him to be so capable?Making money is a very simple matter for him!
However, even if this is the case, there is no need for An Xiaoer to have so many babies, "Anyway, I won't have one! Just because you didn't take care of me when I was pregnant, you want me to have another one, so I won't do it!"

An Xiaoer pouted, feeling helpless and speechless at the moment.

"Hehe..." Seeing An Xiaoer's resistance, Mo Shenhan's lips evoked a faint smile. I have to say that he really thinks An Xiaoer is very cute and cute at this moment. He couldn't help but love her!

"Baby, I'm just talking, how can I have the heart to make you work so hard?" Mo Shenhan smiled, looked at An Xiaoer and replied.

An Xiaoer rolled her eyes, "Oh, you told me to have a baby, but now you're joking! You must have this idea in your heart!"

An Xiaoer looked like she had understood Mo Shenhan a long time ago, and that look was very interesting.

Mo Shenhan sighed, "If you want to have a baby, of course you can have it, and if you don't, of course I won't force it!"

"Hmm!" An Xiaoer blinked, "No birth!"

When she said this, An Xiaoer was extremely arrogant, she really looked like a lazy and arrogant queen!
"Yes, my lord queen said that she would not give birth, so of course she would not give birth!" Mo Shenhan replied.

An Xiaoer smiled, with a satisfied smile on her face, "Then, is it just what I say?"

As she spoke, a black-bellied smile appeared on the corner of An Xiaoer's lips.

Mo Shenhan saw the dark belly on the corners of An Xiaoer's lips, smiled brightly in his heart, and replied directly, "Of course! My Lady Queen, I am very happy to serve you! Whether it is spiritual or physical, I am 100% sure. loyalty!"

"Pfft!" An Xiaoer did have a dark heart at first, but now, hearing Mo Shenhan's answer like this, An Xiaoer immediately burst out laughing, Mo Shenhan must have done it on purpose!
What is it called: I am 100% loyal whether it is spiritual or physical!

This sentence is too fascinating!
Mo Shenhan must have said this on purpose!
An Xiaoer snorted, and pretended not to understand the meaning of Mo Shenhan's words, she just replied, "Okay, your Lady Queen thinks it is too painful for women to give birth, so I want you men to give birth, so give birth This matter, you come!"

When Mo Shenhan heard An Xiaoer say this, he immediately smiled and squinted his eyes, "Baby, are you sure you want me to come?"

An Xiaoer nodded, "Of course!"

Mo Shenhan smiled, and the corners of his lips became a little sinister, "You said that!"

(End of this chapter)

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