Chapter 1123 Draw a Portrait
Before Mo Shenlie didn't know that Dugu Xinyue was An Xiaoer, he had some hesitant thoughts about her. Now that he knew that Dugu Xinyue was An Xiaoer, he was naturally very excited!
After all, it has been a year since I saved An Xiao'er last time, and now I want to take An Xiao'er as my own, but I still can't get what I want, so Mo Shenlie is naturally in a complicated mood!

He plays with women very crazy on weekdays, so why would he think about starting a family?However, for An Xiaoer, he really had some uncertain thoughts, and he himself didn't understand what those emotions were like.

An Xiaoer felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Mo Shenlie suddenly look at herself.

An Xiaoer knew what Mo Shenlie thought of her, and she didn't want to get in touch with her too much, and she didn't want to complicate their relationship. The best way was to stay away.

At this moment, An Xiaoer held Mo Shenhan tightly to respond to Mo Shenlie's gaze.

Mo Shenhan saw Mo Shenlie's gaze and An Xiaoer's nervousness, and he knew what it meant, so he gave Mo Shenlie a look as a warning.

Seeing such a warning, Mo Shenlie turned his head to the side, as if he hadn't seen anything.

Mo Shen snorted coldly and said nothing.

On this day, Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer just stayed in the Mo family like this, the time passed quickly, and it didn't take long for it to pass like this.

In the evening, Mo Shenhan still brought An Xiaoer to live in the Mo family.

Yangyang and Niannian are still there, this time, Yangyang is not in such a hurry to leave when he comes back this time.

Yangyang and Doraemon are always inseparable, even if Yangyang goes to Diming Organization, he always brings Doraemon with him.

Although Doraemon is a cat, it seems to be much smarter than ordinary cats.

Its blue hair also looks very noble, and it looks different than ordinary cats, giving people a very different feeling.

In the evening, An Xiaoer washed the fruit and sent the fruit plate to Yangyang's room, while Niannian was drawing with a brush while Yangyang was guiding.

"Yangyang, although you have a very good relationship with Mengmeng, after all, Mengmeng is a cat. Can you take it into consideration if you keep it with you like this?" An Xiaoer asked.

After all, Doraemon is just a pet cat, so it would be too strange to keep it around like this. If Mo Ruiyang is busy, wouldn't it be impossible for him to take care of it at all?

"Mom, Mengmeng is still very smart and has never made trouble for me." Mo Ruiyang replied.

An Xiaoer didn't care too much, she just asked roughly, since Yangyang said there was no problem, then naturally she wouldn't say anything.

Just nodded, put down the fruit plate, and then sat aside to accompany the children.

Yangyang is teaching Niannian to draw, and what she draws is a sketch.

An Xiao'er saw it and smiled, "Baby, why don't you all draw a portrait of mom, okay?"

"Okay!" Hearing An Xiaoer's words, Yang Yang's eyes became brighter, and he nodded in agreement.

When Nian Nian heard it, she pouted a little, "Mom, Yang Yang is very good at drawing, but my drawing is very average, I can't draw well!"

Nian Nian's level really can't be compared with Yang Yang's. Even though he gradually fell in love with Huahua this year, he learned a lot because of it. Compared with ordinary children, Huahua is really much better than them. But compared with Yangyang's, it is still much inferior.

(End of this chapter)

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