The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1125 Heart-to-heart talk between father and son

Chapter 1125 Heart-to-heart talk between father and son

"Mom, I'm done drawing." Nian Nian also said at this moment.

An Xiaoer breathed a sigh of relief, and finally dared to move after hearing Nian Nian's words.

Looking at Niannian, "Baby, show mom."

Niannian nodded, and showed the photo to An Xiaoer just like Niannian.

An Xiaoer was finally able to move now, so she took Nian Nian's words to draw.

Nian Nianhua's paintings are not as detailed, but they can't be said to be bad, but a different style.

Yangyang's is a real-life painting, while Niannian's is somewhat abstract and simple, like a child with a little more childishness.

The people in the painting are also sitting, lying on the sofa in a very appropriate way, much simpler, but each has its own style.

"Baby, you and Yangyang's paintings are both very good. Yangyang's paintings are very delicate. Niannian's simplicity is yet cute. Mom really likes these two paintings. Mom will treasure these two paintings. !"

An Xiaoer praised it a lot.

It's really from the bottom of my heart, she thinks the two babies are really well drawn.

In the night, Yangyang and Niannian laughed when they heard An Xiaoer's words.

"Mom, I will paint for my mother when I get better at drawing!" Nian Nian said.

An Xiaoer was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, "Okay, this is what the baby said!"

The night is very lonely.

It was as if a shooting star flashed across the night sky, gorgeous and beautiful, Nian Nian and Yang Yang were discussing painting with An Xiaoer, and the room was full of mother-child affection and laughter.

At this moment, Mo Shenhan was busy working in the study.

There was a problem with one of the company's financial reports, and the financial side dealt with it. I didn't know what to do, so I had to ask Mo Shenhan for help.

Mo Shenhan knew that this loophole was actually caused by Mo Shenlie.

It has been a year since Mo Shenlie joined the Moyu Group. In fact, Mo Shenhan has always known that he has been secretly embezzling public funds.

Mo Shenlie's shares were lost to Mo Shenhan a year ago because of a bet. His shares are all in the hands of Mo Shenhan. Even if Mo Bozhi gave another 5.00% of the shares, there are still a lot of shares. He didn't get any dividends.

After joining the company, he has been thinking about secrets in various ways. This is no longer a day or two.

As a hole grows bigger, sooner or later, problems will arise.

Mo Shenhan's eyes darkened slightly. He had devised a lot of plans before, so that he could embezzle a lot of public funds, but now it seems that it's time to put an end to this matter.

Mo Shenhan was concentrating on his work when someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Mo Shenhan thought that An Xiaoer had returned from Yang Yang Niannian, so he stood up and went to open the door.

As a result, when the door opened, the person standing outside turned out to be Mo Bozhi.

Mo Shenhan remembered that Mo Bozhi also came yesterday, because Yang Yang set up monitoring, so he knew about it.

But what did he want to say when he knocked on the door today?

Mo Shenhan looked at Mo Bozhi, "Dad, why don't you go to bed so late?"

The words were polite, and he didn't ask Mo Bozhi what's the matter, but the meaning was also contained in the words.

Mo Bozhi looked at Mo Shenhan, "I have something to ask you."

Mo Shenhan nodded, "Okay."

So, Mo Bozhi went to Mo Shenhan's study, on the tea table, Mo Shenhan made tea for Mo Bozhi, and then gave it to Mo Bozhi.

Older people don't like coffee that much, but think tea tastes better. Mo Shenhan naturally likes Mo Bozhi.

(End of this chapter)

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