The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1130 You hate my pestering so much?

Chapter 1130 You hate my pestering so much?

"But, Dad, you are really terrible! Mom is too aggrieved to follow you!" Yangyang said with contempt in his eyes

After hearing this, Mo Shenhan felt very helpless, "Yangyang, it's you. My mother is too hypocritical and always unwilling to marry me. I am also very helpless about this matter!"

"Cut, bragging!" Nian Nian heard Mo Shenhan say this, expressing that he didn't believe what Mo Shenhan said!

"If mom doesn't want to marry you, why come back to you?"

"..." Regarding the words of these two little babies, Mo Shenhan could only smile and remained silent.

The family of four joked and gradually arrived home.

Mo Shenhan drove the car back to the apartment.

When I arrived at the apartment, I saw a man standing in the corridor. He was half leaning against the wall, with his head raised as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Hearing footsteps, the man turned his head.

An Xiaoer saw that it was Chu Qingye.

When Chu Qingye saw An Xiaoer, Mo Shenhan, and the two children coming, his face was a bit indifferent, unlike the gentle him in the past.

An Xiaoer watched, feeling a little unsure of what to do.

He should know by now, that Dugu Xinyue is An Xiaoer!
Approaching slowly, Chu Qingye was still standing there without speaking.

An Xiaoer could only start first, "Qingye, why are you here?"

After hearing this, Chu Qingye raised his gaze, "Finally you call me Qingye, not Mr. Chu?"

Hearing Chu Qingye's words, An Xiaoer immediately didn't know how to answer him.

I really don't know how to answer this.

Chu Qingye lowered his eyes, "Mo Shenhan should have known that you are An Xiaoer, right? You told him, but you didn't tell me! Also, An Xiaoer, Mo Shenhan is the one in your heart, you Of course I will tell him, but instead, you are afraid that I will continue to pester you, so you simply refuse to admit that you are An Xiaoer, so that I will not harass you, right?"

There was a hint of indifference in Chu Qingye's eyes, and when he said these words, there was even a hint of sarcasm on the corners of his lips.

Seeing him like this, An Xiaoer felt her throat tighten, "No, it's not like this, I've never thought about it that way."

Indeed, there might be something wrong with deceiving Chu Qingye. After all, Chu Qingye asked her so many times if she was An Xiao'er, and she lied!


She didn't do it because she was afraid that he would harass her, but because there were too many things that were not handled well.

"Then what do you think?" On the corner of Chu Qingye's lips, there was still such a mocking smile.

"Yes, I have some unavoidable reasons, so I have to hide my identity." An Xiaoer looked at Chu Qingye like this, and she was very conflicted in her heart.

"An Xiaoer, you said a year ago that you would come to find me. The person you love is me, but what happened? You never showed up! An Xiaoer, we finally separated after six years How about you? You have been lying to me that you are a vain woman and told me not to be with you! Now, you lie to me that you are not An Xiaoer, you say, you are so afraid Are you so afraid that I will pester you when you associate with me?"

Perhaps Chu Qingye was really too emotional, he said a lot, and his eyes were even more indifferent and full of anger.

"It's not like this, Qingye..." An Xiaoer could see that Chu Qingye's mood was very wrong, An Xiaoer wanted to explain, but Chu Qingye turned her head and left directly!
(End of this chapter)

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