Chapter 1136

They discussed the design of the wedding dress clearly, and discussed the theme of the wedding dress. An Xiaoer said, "Yangyang thinks the wedding dress looks good, and Niannian thinks the ancient bridal gown looks good. I think it's good to combine Chinese and Western styles!"

Who made An Xiaoer like to listen to the advice of babies, in order to satisfy the two little babies, then, the combination of Chinese and Western is really suitable!

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Mo Shenhan smiled, and when he heard An Xiaoer say, combining Chinese and Western, he agreed directly!
"My precious daughter's wedding must be grand!" Dugu Liuhua also said this sentence, "I will give Xiao'er 30.00% of the shares of Dugu's family as a dowry! There is also a villa in H City, several cars The car is already ready!"

As An Xiaoer's father, Dugu Liuhua made this decision right now!

After saying this, An Xiaoer was stunned! "Dad, I think the car and the house are very valuable. Shares...forget it! Just leave these to my brother!"

In front of Mo Bozhi, An Xiaoer's refusal of the shares seems not good, but what An Xiaoer is sure of is that Mo Shenhan will not say a word when she refuses, so An Xiaoer has courage!

Moreover, she really felt that using shares as a dowry was really too expensive!

After all, the so-called married daughter splashed water, the money should be given away, it is not so particular, but the shares, that is the ratio!The amount of money is uncertain, but the value is unlimited!
"Xiao'er, I have considered this matter carefully. Don't be too panic. This is a gift from our family! It's not a decision made by Dad alone. It's a decision made by me, you, mother, and your brother together. Even if you are married, this family is still yours, and our Dugu family will always have a place for you!"

An Xiaoer's refusal did not make Dugu Liuhua withdraw his sincerity.

He added, "You have suffered too much since childhood. We don't want you to suffer in the future. Seeing you and Mo Shenhan love each other, we are really happy for you. I also watched carefully, Mo Shenhan He is a person worthy of entrustment, Dad is very relieved when you are with him!"

Now that Dugu Liuhua has said this, An Xiaoer can't say anything, she can only nod, "Thank you, Dad!"

At this moment, tears welled up in the eyes because of being moved!

She never thought that one day, An Xiaoer, who used to have nothing, would transform into the daughter of Dugu's family. Moreover, there would be parents who doted on her like this, brother!

An Xiaoer really didn't expect this at all!
What they gave her was a surprise, even more shocking, and at the same time moved!

As a daughter, although she said that she was separated from her parents out of helplessness when she was a child, she really didn't do much for them, and the warmth they gave her was really too much!

There are tears in the smile, with gratitude, and it is full of happiness.

"Xiao'er, as long as you are happy, mom and dad will be happy and happy. Originally, all parents want their children to be well. If we don't give our children what we have worked hard for when we were young, who will we give it to? You Don't be so alien, you and A Jin are both parents' children, and are equal!"

"En!" An Xiaoer nodded after listening, "Thank you, Mom!"

Did they treat her more than just a little bit?
(End of this chapter)

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