Chapter 1143 Someone Follows An Xiaoer

Her body was very soft and weak, she could only be at the mercy of Mo Shenhan, An Xiaoer really had no strength at all.

At some point, his sudden entry made An Xiaoer feel nervous, and at the same time feel the comfort deep in her soul...

The night is deep, dim, and at the same time ambiguous.

One night is full of sweet cultivation, and it is even more joyful to satisfy two people who love each other!

Another day passed, and the wedding was getting closer.

In the morning, when An Xiaoer woke up, Mo Shenhan had already gone to the company!
Although their wedding is coming soon, Mo Shenhan seems to be very busy recently, he always runs to the company frequently.

An Xiaoer looked at the bed, she was alone, a little bored.

Because An Xiaoer's wedding is getting closer and closer, she doesn't have so many things to take care of at the company, so she simply becomes a dedicated bride waiting for the wedding.

Bored, An Xiaoer took out her phone and simply looked around.

It's already ten o'clock!

An Xiaoer decided to get up, go buy some food and come back, cook the food, and send it to Mo Shenhan.

There's nothing I can do when I'm busy, but when I'm not busy, I really just want to take good care of Mo Shenhan, his body, and his stomach.

"Mom, are you going out to buy groceries?" Seeing An Xiaoer preparing to go out, Yang Yang asked.

"Yes!" An Xiaoer nodded, looking at Yangyang and Niannian, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Yangyang, Niannian, what do you want to eat? Mom bought it and made it."

Niannian said without hesitation, "Twice-cooked pork!"

An Xiaoer immediately laughed, "Okay! What about Yangyang?"

Yangyang thought for a while, and then said, "Mom, I want to eat casserole rice. When you buy the ingredients, I'll make it when the time comes!"

An Xiaoer nodded, "Okay!"

So, An Xiaoer finally went out.
Mo Shenhan was in the company, and his expression was very ugly at the moment.

In front of him was a report that in the past three months, Mo Shenlie had secretly embezzled 3000 million of the company's funds!
Before, he knew that Mo Shenlie was secretly embezzling things, so he made many regulations, but in the end, he embezzled 3000 million in three months!
His courage is really getting bigger and bigger!

It just so happened that his wedding was also approaching, so in order to avoid any harm that would be caused by keeping this hidden danger, he simply started it!

But what to do with this?

Mo Shenhan thought for a while, if it was a direct showdown, because of his wedding, there would be a lot of people coming, and it would be very chaotic, and if Mo Shenlie interfered, it would be difficult to deal with it.

Mo Shenhan is not worried about him, but Mo Shenhan is not alone at this moment, he has his wife An Xiaoer, his two sons and a daughter, these people, he needs to protect, and, also Weak people, if someone wants to cause damage, it will naturally start with these people.

He had to pay attention.
An Xiaoer went out to buy vegetables, and the nearby market was very close, so An Xiaoer chose to walk.

However, as soon as she went downstairs, she saw someone following her the whole time.

An Xiaoer was a little puzzled, and hurriedly stood in a crowded place, and was very defensive.

However, when An Xiaoer found him, he didn't have any worries, and walked towards An Xiaoer directly!
An Xiaoer panicked immediately, and randomly grabbed a man who seemed kind on the street.

"Brother, come play with me...

(End of this chapter)

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