The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1145 Ask 1 and Mo Shenhan will know

Chapter 1145 Just ask Mo Shenhan and you will know
So, was it a false alarm?

An Xiaoer looked at the person who was following her in front of her, feeling a little embarrassed at the moment.

However, An Xiaoer is also very vigilant. The person said that he was sent by Mo Shenhan to protect An Xiaoer. However, An Xiaoer will not trust a person 100%. Looking at him now, be vigilant. Said, "Why should I believe you!"

"If you're worried, you can call and see what Young Master Mo has to say." The man replied.

There was some doubt in An Xiaoer's eyes, so she took out her phone and finally called Mo Shenhan.

Not long after, the phone was finally connected!

"Xiao'er, what's wrong?" Mo Shenhan's voice came from over there.

An Xiaoer then asked, "Mo Shenhan, someone is following me, saying that you asked him to do this!"

Mo Shenhan nodded, "Well, that's the case, I was worried that something would happen to you, so I asked someone to protect you!"

After hearing this, An Xiaoer finally understood and nodded, "Okay, I see!"

However, Mo Shenhan was very careful, "Xiao'er, answer his call with your mobile phone."

Although Mo Shenhan sent someone to protect An Xiaoer, but Mo Shenhan was also worried that if someone did something wrong in this capacity, it would be difficult to handle!
So, being cautious, he said this.

An Xiaoer nodded, "Okay, wait a minute."

Then, looking at the man, "He said to let you answer the phone."

The man nodded and took the phone!

"Young Master Mo! This matter was a misunderstanding." The man explained.

After hearing the voice, Mo Shenhan was sure that the person he had ordered was right, so he nodded now, "It's okay, just take care of her!"

"En!" The man nodded.

The phone finally hung up like this!

Everyone looked at all this, a little confused, what kind of oolong is this?

The person who followed An Xiaoer just now explained, "I was worried about her safety so I protected her. This is a misunderstanding!"

Everyone nodded, and finally dispersed in a crowd!
An Xiaoer looked at him now, very speechless, "If you had told me about this earlier, I wouldn't be so scared. Do you know that you scared me all the way!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully about this matter. I know I'm worried. If you know that you will be watched everywhere, you will be uneasy, so..."

An Xiaoer waved her hand, it's all right.

This matter is finally over like this!

An Xiaoer went grocery shopping!
That person followed, but he didn't get very close, he just watched from the side.

When An Xiaoer was shopping for vegetables and seafood, she saw sea urchins, and An Xiaoer suddenly wanted to buy some back, so she pointed to the sea urchins beside her, looked at the boss and said, "Boss, give me a small basket, I'll buy some of these! "

The boss nodded and finally came over.

However, when An Xiaoer was fishing for sea urchins, she suddenly felt her leg being pricked by something!
At that time, the feeling was numb and uncomfortable, but it was so light that I couldn't tell what it was like at all!

An Xiaoer turned her head and saw that there was a sea urchin beside her lap.

Could it be that it was pricked by a sea urchin?
But can sea urchins jump out of the water?

An Xiaoer was a little puzzled, "Boss, how do I feel? I was stabbed by something. What's the matter with this sea urchin?"

However, that person just looked at An Xiaoer and shook his head, "Girl, it's just a prick, nothing happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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