The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1147 Lending money to her boyfriend

Chapter 1147 Lending money to her boyfriend

"Ouch, last time you mentioned that he asked you to borrow money, did you lend it to him?"

"I borrowed it for a month." Hua Yuexia replied with her head down.

"How much did you borrow?"

"Five, fifty thousand!" Lin Xiaoxiao answered with her head down.

"So much? Where did you get so much money?" An Xiaoer was a little surprised when she heard this.

Hua Yuexia is a child from the countryside. At that time, when she first came out and met An Xiaoer, she couldn't even ride a car, and she dressed very rustically, looking like a country bumpkin.

However, after staying in city B for more than a year, she is no longer the same person she used to be. She has become able to dress up and her job has become much more stable.

But, no matter what, she came from a humble background and her conditions were not good, so she managed to save some money, but ended up lending it to her boyfriend.

fifty thousand!This money is Lin Xiaoxiao's hard-earned money!
"I don't spend a lot of money, so I save a lot of my salary. Moreover, the job Mo Shao found for me has a decent salary. I have saved [-] yuan in just over a year."

"So, you lent him all your money?" An Xiaoer was surprised when she heard it now!
"Also, there is one more..." Lin Xiaoxiao was a little modest.

"There are many?"

"Five thousand..."

An Xiaoer: "..."

Five thousand, is there any left?
At most, this money is reserved for renting a house, living expenses, and a little bit of self-defense money!

"Xiao Xiao, don't you regret doing this?" An Xiaoer raised her eyes and looked at her with more scrutiny.

Actually, to be honest, An Xiaoer could feel that Lin Xiaoxiao was very kind to that man and loved him.

After all, a woman is willing to lend money to a man, and she borrows all her savings!
This is enough to prove the importance of that man in her heart.

Of course, Lin Xiaoxiao is still very innocent, if it were someone else, who would want to borrow it?

Men, especially men in a relationship, love is a very realistic thing to say, if they break up, her boyfriend won't pay back the money right away?

Isn't this money in vain?

Besides, even if they don't break up and have a good relationship, but Lin Xiaoxiao, as his girlfriend, is too embarrassed to ask him for the money!
This money, rather than lending it out, is actually more like giving it away!Investing in a man!

I hope that man is worthy of Lin Xiaoxiao's efforts!
An Xiaoer sighed, "Anyway, your relationship is good, everything is fine! Xiao Xiao, I hope you are happy!"

In fact, An Xiaoer felt that a man who asked a woman to borrow money always felt weird. Where was his dignity?You have to ask a woman for money!
Anyway, if An Xiaoer was a man, she would never be able to ask a woman to borrow money.

However, since Lin Xiaoxiao is willing to lend him the money, An Xiaoer can only keep this thought in her heart. After all, saying this will make Lin Xiaoxiao think more about it, and it will be a good thing for her and her boyfriend. Feelings create obstacles.

An Xiaoer is not a gossip, so she can only keep silent.

"He is also very kind to me, and he has his own opinions!" Lin Xiaoxiao's lips curled into a faint smile.

An Xiaoer nodded and remained silent.

At this time, a person pushed the door and came in.

It's late at night.

"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful today!" He praised.

(End of this chapter)

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