Chapter 1154 Come to get married?

"Miss Dugu Xinyue, are you willing to marry Mr. Mo Shenhan next to you and make him your husband? Whether you are poor or rich, whether you are sick or healthy, whether you are young or old, are you willing to love him forever? Comfort him, accompany him, and never leave him?"

"I am willing!"

There was tenderness in An Xiaoer's voice, and it was mixed with happiness. When she answered with such a firm voice, her heart was filled with infinite excitement and joy.

However, at this moment, a person stood out. He was very handsome in a suit. He walked slowly, and there was no smile on his face, but sadness in his indifference.

Because everyone was sitting at the moment, it was natural that one person standing like this was so eye-catching that everyone turned their heads to look at him.

An Xiaoer's eyes followed suit, and when she saw him, her eyes were still blank!
It was Chu Qingye.

Ever since Chu Qingye found out that Dugu Xinyue was An Xiaoer last time, he was in a very bad mood. He always felt that An Xiaoer was deceiving him. Later, when An Xiaoer wanted to explain anything, he couldn't get in touch. To Chu Qingye's.

An Xiaoer thought that he would not come over today, but unexpectedly, he actually came!

An Xiaoer was a little embarrassed at the moment, and in her heart, she didn't know what Chu Qingye was going to do when she came here.

After all, if he came purely to attend the wedding, then it would be a bit too eye-catching for him to come here at this time!

Some looked at him and began to wonder.

A sentimental person said, "It is said that the relationship between Chu Qingye and An Xiaoer is very unusual. It is said that it is still the relationship of first love! Come here now, looking at it like this, it seems to be bloody!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this going to be a big wedding?"
However, although everyone guessed, it didn't really mean it after all.

Everyone didn't see what Chu Qingye's intentions were, they could only look at him with doubts on his face.

An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan stood on the stage and watched. Because of this sudden movement, the master of ceremonies didn't say anything quickly.

Chu Qingye finally looked at everyone, and then said, "Sorry, I'm late, I'm here to attend the wedding of Xiao'er and Shenhan, they have gone through a lot along the way, I have seen it all , I sincerely wish you well.”

After saying this, Chu Qingye found a place to sit down, and then looked at the stage.

Everyone thought that Chu Qingye would come to have a wedding when he came this time, but in the end, he came to bless the couple.

Suddenly, the sound of applause sounded, and everyone in the audience applauded!
An Xiaoer smiled and held the microphone, "Chu Qingye, thank you for coming to my wedding!"

In my heart, I was immediately happy.

The ceremony then proceeded, and the two parties began to exchange rings...

Under the stage, Chu Qingye looked at all this, a little loneliness flashed in his eyes.

However, after sighing, I wished sincerely in my heart: Xiaoer, I wish you happiness.

In fact, I really don't want to come here, because looking at the person I like, seeing the person who was so happy and happy with me, getting married like this, the feeling is really uncomfortable!
However, he can only bless, hasn't he already blessed?Didn't it be said a long time ago that as long as the person you like is happy, everything is fine?

If you like someone, you don't have to be with her, as long as that person is happy, that's fine...

(End of this chapter)

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