The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1167 Little Fengling is really sick!

Chapter 1167 Little Fengling is really sick!

Seeing Mo Shenlie's confident look, An Xiaoer was still worried, so she finally looked at Yangyang and said, "Yangyang, call your grandma!"

"Okay!" Yang Yang responded, finally nodded, and then took out her phone!
However, as soon as she brought her mobile phone, the phone in An Xiaoer's pocket rang.

An Xiaoer was restrained by Mo Shenlie, so she didn't know whether she should answer the phone or not, and Mo Shenhan took out the phone from the small bag An Xiaoer was wearing.

It's Bai Xi's call!

Mo Shenhan showed An Xiaoer, and An Xiaoer felt a little anxious now, thinking, Bai Xi's call, could it be that something happened to Xiao Fengling?

An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan, and finally said, "Honey, pick it up quickly and see what's going on!"

Mo Shenhan nodded, and finally took the phone and answered the call.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Mo Shenhan shouted.

After all, Mo Shenhan and An Xiaoer were married, and An Xiaoer's mother, he naturally wanted to call "Mom".

Mo Shenhan looked calm, and was not afraid of anything!
However, in fact, there was still some worry in his eyes.

After all, he had already started to worry about the child because of Mo Shenlie's words.

After all, Mo Shenlie's words "one hundred secrets and one sparseness" still made his heart start to wander.

"Deep cold, where are you now?" Over there, Bai Xi's voice seemed a little anxious!

Mo Shenhan could even hear the anxiety and some doubts. He squinted his eyes and his heart sank, "Mom, is there something wrong?"

Could it be, as Mo Shenlie said, something really went wrong?
If that is really the case, then what should I do?

"Little Fengling, something happened, and suddenly my whole body became cold. It looks very bad. I am rushing to the hospital with your Aunt Lan. You and Xiaoer, hurry up!"

Bai Xi's voice was very anxious, and when he said this, he was very anxious!
Because Mo Shenhan turned on the loudspeaker, An Xiaoer could hear those words clearly now!
Originally, I thought that Mo Qingge's conspiracy was just poisoning, but at this moment, Xiao Fengling fell ill!
An Xiaoer felt that every cell in her body was about to collapse. She looked at Mo Shenlie with a cold face, "Mo Shenlie, you are despicable and shameless!"

At this moment, Mo Shenlie finally had a chance of winning, he just snorted coldly, "Hehe, I never thought I was kind!"

"You..." An Xiaoer was so angry that she didn't know what to do!

"My child is still so young, how can you bear to be cruel? She's just a child!" An Xiaoer was anxious, and now Mo Shenlie was holding both hands, she struggled hard, stretched out even more. Come out, want to kick him a few times!

Thinking that Xiao Fengling was sick and lying in the hospital at this moment, she was very worried!

"Mo Shenhan, let's go back quickly, Little Fengling must be fine!..."

An Xiao'er was in a hurry right now, she had no direction at all, and only had one thought, which was to hurry to the hospital and see if her child was alright!

Hearing An Xiao'er's words, Mo Shenhan's eyes darkened, "Xiao'er, don't panic!"

"Mo Shenlie, why did Little Fengling get poisoned? How did you get close to her?"

(End of this chapter)

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