The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 1180 Ground Chapter 1232 The antidote, the abyss

Chapter 1180 Ground Chapter 1232 The antidote, the abyss

Mo Qingge's hand was about to grab An Xiaoer...

However, An Xiaoer also reacted quickly. Seeing that Mo Qingge's hand seemed to be grabbing towards her, she also felt that something was wrong, so she quickly left her hand.

Mo Shenhan's words, "Xiao'er, danger!" also rang in An Xiaoer's ears. Right now, because of this sudden change, her mind went blank.

It can only be a conditioned reflex to want to break away from Mo Qingge's shackles.

However, although An Xiaoer's hand was not caught by Mo Qingge because of her quick reaction, she still caught her clothes.

At this moment, she wanted to get rid of it in a hurry, but Mo Qingge squeezed her tightly, and she couldn't break free at all.

All of a sudden, his brows frowned, feeling that danger was approaching.

They were so close to the cliff, but Mo Qingge obviously wanted to drag them along to die together.

At this moment, everyone is panicking.

Mo Shenhan frowned tightly, "Xiao'er! It's dangerous, come back!"

Yangyang also looked worried, looking at An Xiaoer, "Mom, it's dangerous! Bad guy, let go of my mother!"

However, it is still the same sentence, far water cannot save near fire, so I really don't know what to do at this moment.

There was a smile on the corner of Mo Qingge's lips, and she looked at An Xiaoer, "Hehe, An Xiaoer, I won't be happy, and neither can you. I will die badly, and you have to be buried with me!"

Her words seemed to come from the voice of a demon in hell. Pulling An Xiaoer, the hideous look in her eyes was even more terrifying, like a witch from a demon.

An Xiaoer felt terrified and uneasy. She didn't know what to do at the time, so she could only fight her hard.

Mo Qingge was pulling An Xiaoer, and An Xiaoer was also trying her best to resist.

Because on the edge of the cliff, Mo Qingge tried hard to pull her to the edge of the cliff, and An Xiaoer also struggled with her hard.

The cliff is like the gate of hell, and Mo Qingge is the devil in hell, trying to drag her into hell. At that moment, perhaps Mo Qingge's obsession with bringing An Xiaoer to death is too strong, her strength , It's so big!
Anger fell into an extremely tense scene, Mo Shenhan and Yangyang were also running hard towards An Xiaoer, wanting to save her.

However, in no time...

On the contrary, Chu Qingye reacted quickly at that moment, and decisively grabbed An Xiaoer's sleeve, and grabbed Mo Qingge's hand, just like that, trying to separate her from An Xiaoer.

Because of Chu Qingye's arrival, An Xiaoer's nervous heart was relieved.

On the other hand, Mo Qingge was surprised, full of disbelief, looking at Chu Qingye, her eyes were even more ferocious, and her face was extremely ugly!
Chu Qingye tugged hard, and Mo Qingge also tugged hard, unwilling to let go.

"Mo Qingge, let go!" Chu Qingye roared, and at that moment, his strength was also very strong!

Finally, he let go of An Xiaoer's sleeve with Mo Qingge's hand abruptly.

"Ah?" An Xiaoer was frightened by this sudden movement, and because of her inertia, she also leaned back fiercely.

In the end, he fell hard on the edge of the cliff.

However, because Chu Qingye was holding Mo Qingge's hand, Mo Qingge left An Xiaoer's hand at that time, and unwillingly grabbed Chu Qingye's arm.

Originally, Chu Qingye had lost the balance of his center of gravity, and Mo Qingye's inertial force. In the end, both of them fell towards the depths of the cliff...

"Qingye!!!" An Xiaoer shouted in surprise and pain, and forgot everything at that moment, wanting to rush towards the cliff...

(End of this chapter)

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