The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 119 Need me to feed you with my mouth?

Chapter 119 Need me to feed you with my mouth?

Tsk tsk, is Mo Shenhan blaming her and punishing her by taking medicine?

Or is he caring about her?But An Xiaoer felt that it was more appropriate to guess for the first time, after all, how could Mo Shenhan care about her?

However, this punishment really warmed her up a bit.

An Xiaoer saw Lin Xi walking towards her with an extremely displeased face, and finally gave her the medicine, "Your medicine."

After giving the medicine, Mo Shenhan told her to go down!

Wow, it's really thrown away when it's used up, has Lin Xi lost its use value?
In the end, she could only go out for a stroll!
Seeing Lin Xi's angry expression, An Xiaoer felt so much better!Thinking of what she said just now that she was beautiful and seduced male colleagues in the company, she felt that there are too many people in this world who are born out of nothing.

Anyway, she treats others whatever others do to her. She doesn't know how to be a virgin, and she feels sorry for Lin Xi!
However, seeing that she bought this medicine, she was quite happy!

An Xiaoer is very simple, she will not harm others, she will help those who are good to her, and those who are not good to her, just be on guard.

I just unpacked the medicine, cut the package, poured it into the quilt, rinsed it, and put it aside, waiting for the medicine to cool for a while before drinking it.

At this time, Mo Shenhan suddenly walked over from his seat.

"Why don't you take medicine?"

He seemed to be asking unintentionally, and the cloud was calm, but An Xiaoer heard a little bit of concern.

I don't know why, but suddenly I was a little happy, but An Xiaoer was very hypocritical, so she just gave him a blank look, "Mo Shenhan, what, are you caring about me?"

She behaved more calmly than Mo Shenhan.

Mo Shenhan was just asking casually, but An Xiaoer's appearance made his heart itch. I haven't seen her for two days, so it's time to clean up, right?
He glared at her, "I'm afraid you'll die from a cold, it's my fault. After all, I caused you to catch a cold."

An Xiaoer was almost speechless by him. Can a simple cold kill someone?

Didn’t those vaccinations go for nothing when I was a child? !
No, what does Mo Shenhan mean? I have a cold, so how could I have something to do with him?It was obviously caused by An Manran pushing her into the water.

"I have a cold, does it have something to do with you?"

An Xiaoer didn't understand, so she asked.

An Xiao'er was just a simple rhetorical question, but in Mo Shenhan's ears, it became, Mo Shenhan, whether I have a cold or not has nothing to do with you, what the hell are you rubbing your heart against?

His complexion was not very good, and he turned cold, "Why is it okay? You were tortured by me and caught a cold. It's all my fault! However, although you have a cold, it will be fine if you take medicine, and we can continue Have fun."

Mo Shenhan was very sure that he said this on purpose, just to tell An Xiaoer that he had sex with her, that he had a relationship with her, and that he still wanted to continue to have a relationship with her!
An Xiaoer was going to die of anger!

"Mo Shenhan..."

She glared at him fiercely, but found that there was nothing she could do about him!

How could he be so vile, take advantage of him, and even use it to humiliate her!
Mo Shenhan had a flat expression of "the sun will rise tomorrow". After seeing An Xiaoer's angry appearance, a wicked smile curled up on the corner of his lips, "Take medicine."

An Xiaoer gritted her teeth, pouted her mouth, and snorted. Seeing that the medicine in the cup was not so hot, she picked it up and wanted to drink it, but as soon as she took it, it spurted out immediately!

"An Xiaoer, do you want me to speak for you?"

 Thank you [Happiness] for the rewarded reading coins, love you~
(End of this chapter)

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