The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 128 Draw the curtains and lock the door

Chapter 128 Draw the curtains and lock the door

"Well, it's here." Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer and answered her.

For the first time, An Xiaoer felt that Mo Shenhan was really abominable. Asking her to beg him, she begged, let her do it, she kissed him, well, even if she was asked to do it, she gritted her teeth, thought about it, and she would acceptable!

After all, it's not like they haven't done it before. An Xiaoer doesn't dislike Mo Shenhan's touch, so she can accept it!

However, she gritted her teeth again and again to agree to his request, but he made more excessive demands step by step. At this moment, the contempt in his eyes was so obvious that An Xiaoer's heart ached.

"Can we not be here, can we change the place? In case someone comes in..."

"No one will come in."

Mo Shenhan directly interrupted An Xiaoer's words. Indeed, before entering, one had to knock on the door. Without Mo Shenhan's answer, no one would come in.


"Mo Shenhan, if I promise you and serve you, you will give An's a chance, isn't that right?"

An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan, and he looked down at her, making An Xiaoer feel that he was far away from him, and only by pleasing him could she make him agree and give An's a chance.


Mo Shenhan's face became even colder, just because of An Xiaoer's question, if you serve me well, I will give An's a chance!
"An Xiao'er, as long as you serve me, I will naturally give An's a chance." Mo Shen said this coldly, emphasizing the word "serve".

An Xiaoer understood what Mo Shenhan meant, but at this moment, let go of all dignity!

An Xiaoer walked over and closed the curtains of the French windows.

Looking at An Xiaoer pulling the curtains, Mo Shenhan felt a chill come from the bottom of his heart.

An Xiao'er, you really think of yourself as an idiot!She endured even his obvious humiliation, Anshi, is it really that important?Does she want to live in Anjia, is she crazy? !

However, even at this moment, he felt disgusted with An Xiaoer's various performances, but he did not immediately let her go, but continued to stay, to see how far she could lower the bottom line for An Fengshao!

At other times, facing other women, Mo Shenhan would have let her go, and An Xiaoer was obviously an exception.

Of course, Mo Shenhan didn't notice his subtle behavior.

He just stood there coldly, looking at An Xiaoer, just wanted to continue watching her lower her status!And got angry because of it.

An Xiaoer drew the curtains and went to lock the door again!
Ha ha……

You also know that others come in and see it, and you have no face to see people?Mo Shenhan snorted, sat on the sofa, and waited for An Xiaoer to come over.

An Xiaoer, the [-] million check, if she said to tear it up, she would tear it up, but for An Fengshao, she even lowered her own dignity, to such an extent!

This woman, Mo Shenhan really doesn't understand her, maybe money, in An Xiaoer's opinion, is not as important as her status?
Finally, An Xiaoer walked towards him step by step.

Standing in front of him, looking at him, as if he didn't know what to do.

Mo Shenhan just looked at her like that, not knowing what he was thinking, but with a sudden pull, An Xiaoer was pulled into his arms.

"Mo... Mo Shenhan..."

An Xiaoer bit her lower lip lightly, and called his name nervously, do you really want to be here?

Mo Shenhan's kiss had already landed on her lips, fierce as a storm and gentle as a breeze, domineering and gentle kisses alternately.

 Aww~ During this period of time, I was in a bad mood, and it was only updated in the last two hours of the day. Today, Yaya is finally resurrected with full blood!
  Aww, it's already Sunday, the recommended votes are less than 100, and the weekly book review is less than 20, do you think I'm hardworking, so you understand me, don't I need to add more?
  Oh, oh, and oh, do you think the hero and heroine have started to like each other?

(End of this chapter)

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