Chapter 132 Because I Want To Marry You
The way was blocked, and it was him!
An Xiaoer's mood was extremely complicated.

"Are you alright?"

An Xiaoer was a little nervous, but a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Seeing An Xiaoer like this, Chu Qingye was taken aback for a moment, and his heart twitched, "Why do you hide when you see me?"

When seeing him, it's like a mouse seeing a cat. Is he that scary?

Chu Qingye really didn't understand An Xiaoer more and more.

He had always believed that An Xiaoer was a pure and kind girl in the good times together before, but in the face of reality, her various performances and reactions had gone farther and farther away from the An Xiaoer in his heart. .

I still remember that year ago, she was a girl in the school, and a boy from a good family fell in love with her. He pursued her like crazy, sending flowers, gifts, and various pursuits every day.

But An Xiaoer did not agree.

When asked why, An Xiaoer said, "Because I have you!"

Chu Qingye touched her broken hair, "He is more handsome than me, and his family is rich, why do you want to be a poor student with me?"

"Didn't we say, go to the same university and get married after graduation?"

After Chu Qingye asked An Xiaoer what he said, An Xiaoer smiled and answered him mischievously.

An Xiao'er's words were imprinted in Chu Qingye's heart just like that, and kept on, every time he thought about it, he felt very warm.

After he identified An Xiaoer as the person he wanted to be with, he decided to give her happiness in the future and take her to meet his parents. He thought that his parents would also like An Xiaoer, because parents When looking at a person, don't look at that person's status, but look at her heart.

An Xiaoer is someone who does not seek wealth but only happiness!

Also, one summer vacation, their school went on a group trip. Later, a classmate was bitten by a snake. An Xiaoer sucked the blood directly with her mouth without hesitation.

Although later I found out that the snake was not poisonous, An Xiaoer and that classmate were fine, but when An Xiaoer was helping that classmate suck the blood, she didn't know that the snake was not poisonous!
Such a kind An Xiaoer, such a brave An Xiaoer, left too much beauty in his youth.

The way she smiles, the way she looks sad, the way she looks sad, and the way she looks carefree like a child.

All remain in Chu Qingye's heart.

She is so beautiful!
Even later, An Xiaoer suddenly left without saying goodbye, knowing that now, six years later, so many days have passed, but in Chu Qingye's heart, An Xiaoer is still the same An Xiaoer, the only one in her heart. Kindness does not change easily.

Although many students said that An Xiaoer must have been taken care of by a rich man and abandoned Chu Qingye for money, but Chu Qingye didn't think so.

If An Xiaoer liked money, she would have abandoned him that year.

What's more, if An Xiaoer likes money, in fact, he can give it to her!

Haven't taken her home yet!

What happened later seemed to make their relationship very strange, but Chu Qingye felt that if there were any conflicts, they should be resolved, and if there were misunderstandings, they would be spoken out. As long as the truth is revealed, An Xiaoer will still be the same An Xiaoer Son.

He believed that she would not change, at least, she would not become the kind of woman who was taken care of by others.

Seeing An Xiaoer deliberately indifferently asking if he was okay, Chu Qingye felt a little uncomfortable, but he still held back his temper and looked at her, "Why did you turn around and leave when you saw me?"

(End of this chapter)

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