Chapter 145
An Manran was in extreme pain, but seeing An Xiaoer's gloating expression, she became even more angry!

He squatted on the ground and began to cry luxuriously!
A 24-year-old woman, who is also dressed in fashion, is a lady, and is also a person of status, the daughter of a dignified family, but she behaves like this, let alone in the presence of a servant!
What a surprise!

"Manran... are you okay?"

However, just when An Xiaoer was rolling her eyes speechlessly, a figure suddenly appeared, causing her heart to be stung by some emotion again!
I saw-

Xiao Guirong looked at An Manran's painful and wronged appearance, didn't think about anything at the time, so she hurried over, squatted beside her and looked at her.

"Feng Shao, what are you doing standing there in a daze, hurry up and call the doctor over, ah~ Poor Man Ran, it must be in pain!"

Her face was full of worry, her brows were deeply frowned, and her lips were tight with worry.

Just like a mother who is worried about her child, if someone doesn't know, they must think that An Manran is her daughter!
However, An Xiaoer's heart suddenly became cold to the bone!

When Xiao Guirong would always sacrifice her for An Fengshao, An Xiaoer comforted herself: It's okay!An Xiaoer, you have to be sensible, mother just cares too much about An Fengshao, after all, An Fengshao is the man she loves so much!
But at this moment, what is An Xiaoer thinking?

A person who tried to frame her daughter, but her woman escaped the frame and suffered!However, the mother's reaction was not to clap her hands and applaud because the other party "every evil will be rewarded with evil", but ran over with extreme worry, squatting beside her and crying!

Let me ask, what would An Xiaoer think in such a situation!
"Mom..." An Xiaoer's unwilling voice came out of her throat, and her voice choked up all of a sudden.

However, Xiao Guirong didn't even glance at An Xiaoer, but just looked at An Manran worriedly.

An Xiaoer's heart was broken by the ice!

There was a slight sarcasm on the corner of her lips. She really didn't understand why her own mother was so good to other people's daughters, but she was not good to herself at all.
Moreover, An Manran is still Liu Jingcheng's daughter, the daughter of a rival in love!

Don't stepmothers always hate their own men and other women's children?
Why is Xiao Guirong so worried about An Manran?

Feeling depressed, I don't understand why my mother is like this, and I suddenly want to leave here.

Now that I have sent my mother to An's house, let's go, there is no need to stay here.

Holding her son's hand, An Xiaoer turned around, ready to leave.

Mo Ruiyang looked at the sadness on his mother's face, and the little boy's face was also full of sadness, feeling sad for his mother.

He was suddenly puzzled, is mother really grandma's daughter? ? ?
Why is the mother so kind to the rival's daughter, but so cruel and indifferent to her own daughter?
His little hand can't give his mother anything at this moment, but the hand held by his mother, he just holds it, telling his mother to be strong, she still has him!

And his son is with him!
"Go away, stop being hypocritical!"

An Manran looked at the worried look of An Xiaoer's mother squatting in front of her, and was angry and angry. In her anger, she pushed Xiao Guirong fiercely, and pushed her aside.

Just bumped into the flower bed on one side, and immediately overflowed with blood!
 Aww~ For being so cruel to her daughter, the author's mother feels sorry for An Xiaoer~ Ahh~
  An Xiaoer: Yaya, you continue to be shameless, who wrote me so badly?
  The End of the World: Secretly showing a treacherous and innocent smile~
(End of this chapter)

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