The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 152 Mo Shenhan's Relationship

Chapter 152 Mo Shenhan's Relationship
Mo Shenhan's text message read: Where is it?

An Xiaoer saw that it was Mo Shenhan's text message, and she was in a better mood after being disappointed, but suddenly tightened up.

Mo Ruiyang looked at An Xiaoer staring at the phone in a daze, a little strange, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, what do you want to eat? Let's go out to eat tonight, okay?" An Xiaoer put the phone away, looked at the baby and said.

She didn't reply to Mo Shenhan's text message, because she didn't know how to reply, and she didn't want to reply.

Fear of bad, or "good" things happening, but, whatever the outcome, she doesn't want to face it.

Besides, just now in the hospital, An Xiaoer was really disappointed by her mother's behavior towards her. At this moment, she didn't want to pay any attention to anything about her mother and An Fengshao.

Then, don't bother with it, just pretend you didn't see it.

Although Mo Ruiyang didn't know what happened to his mother, he guessed that nothing would happen, so he didn't think too much about it, and held his mother's hand, "Mom, my son will take you to bankruptcy today! "

Mo Ruiyang didn't want to say that it was Niannian who took you there this time, but his son took you there. The little one used words to deceive himself.

Of course, An Xiaoer didn't detect any flaws, she just nodded, "Hmm~ No problem!"

The two mother and son finally went to KFC to eat and ordered a lot of food.

Mo Ruiyang was very satisfied.

how to say?Because when I was in the Mo family, I couldn't eat this kind of food. My father said that I can't eat this kind of food because it is unhealthy. However, Mo Ruiyang knows that many children like to eat this kind of food. He has never eaten it, so, I also want to try that feeling.

Well, it feels so-so, so, hehe, that indifferent father won't let him eat, even if he begs him to take him to eat next time, he won't go!
That's right, it's that dragging!

However, Mo Ruiyang was just imagining it in his heart, and then he felt a little lost, because he knew that it was impossible for Mo Shenhan to take him to dinner, let alone take him to eat so-called junk food.

So, unless the sky is falling!
Although the taste is so-so, not as good as expected, but, after all, with the company of my mother, I am very happy to eat.

The mother and son were eating happily. At this time, An Xiaoer's cell phone rang again, and it was An Fengshao's call.

It was almost two hours since I left the hospital. An Xiaoer looked at the phone. Although she didn't like An Fengshao, she was worried about her mother's condition, so she still picked it up.

"Xiao'er, you are really amazing!" As soon as he answered the phone, he heard An Fengshao's voice. On the other end of the phone, his voice was very excited and happy.

An Xiaoer thought of Mo Shenhan's text message just now, it seems that An's has been shortlisted, she can tell from An Fengshao's performance.

So, does it mean that tonight, she is going to accompany Mo Shenhan, in the form of a transaction, to accompany him!

In fact, when they had a relationship that time, An Xiaoer found that she didn't reject Mo Shenhan that much, and even felt that the feeling of having sex with him was not bad...

However, this moment and that moment!

That night was purely an accident. After waking up, they had a relationship while they were awake. Perhaps it was because the two of them failed to control the fire. As for that emotion, why did she not reject Mo Shen after waking up? She doesn't know about Han's touch now.

But, even if she doesn't reject contact with Mo Shenhan, but if that kind of thing happened for the sake of a deal, An Xiaoer's heart would feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

 Aww~ This chapter is to make up for the fourth update that was mentioned yesterday~ Please bookmark and ask for recommendation~ It seems that it is not far from the bookmark plus~

(End of this chapter)

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