Chapter 158: Playing Mo Shenhan
An Xiaoer was hung up by Mo Shenhan just like that, she wanted to cry but had no tears in her heart!

Mo Shenhan, did he not answer her calls because of something?Or on purpose?
Because she just hung up on him, so he used this way to warn her?

Thinking of the second possibility, An Xiaoer suddenly felt that Mo Shenhan was too arrogant, he acted like a child, very cute!

However, Mo Shenhan should... not be so... stingy...

It's just that he hung up the phone. As for why he didn't answer her call?But that man seems to have a small belly, so he has to be careful in serving him!
Of course, the real situation is indeed that Mo Shenhan hangs up An Xiaoer's phone now because An Xiaoer hung up on him before, just because An Xiaoer thought it was cute...very... mean……

Looking at the phone that was hung up, An Xiaoer thought, will Mo Shenhan be busy at this time?

Looks like it's not busy at this time, right?Could it be that you are busy eating?

An Xiaoer felt that maybe Mo Shenhan was upset that she hung up on him just now, so now is the time to take revenge.

So, An Xiaoer could only continue to call Mo Shenhan again.

If he refuses to answer in a taunt, then let him continue to twitch!Let's see how long he's going to brag.

The phone was connected, but was hung up by Mo Shenhan again.

An Xiaoer was angry and helpless, so she could only continue to fight. At the same time, there were some incomprehensible emotions in the helpless smile on the corners of her lips, a little hypocritical, like a coquettish little woman.

As for Mo Shenhan, he hung up An Xiaoer's phone over and over again, and from the beginning of that cold face, the corners of his lips curved slightly, as if he was in a happy mood.

However, neither of them noticed their strangeness, they were just imagining how to deal with each other's next strategy.

An Xiaoer got hung up on the phone five or six times, and was very upset. What should she do to vent her anger?
An Xiaoer thought for a while, then suddenly smiled, took her mobile phone, and sent Mo Shenhan a message.

First, she posted a big smiling face, very cute and pure, and then, An Xiaoer posted a line:

"Mo Shenhan, you should be free now. I want to tell you something, you know? You are so cute now, just like a child whose mother doesn't give candy and is unhappy."

After typing this line of words, An Xiaoer sent it without hesitation. At the same time, she was looking forward to Mo Shenhan's reaction. He must have been blown away, right?


Thinking of Mo Shenhan's angry face after seeing the message, An Xiaoer suddenly laughed out loud, thinking: Mo Shenhan like that must be very interesting.

And what about Mo Shenhan?
Originally, he was thinking of waiting for An Xiaoer to keep calling, and then he continued to hang up. He just wanted to see how patient An Xiaoer was.

Unexpectedly, I received a message from her.

Mo Shenhan opened it suspiciously, and when he saw the line of information sent by An Xiaoer, his face immediately became cloudy and smelly.

An Xiao'er's courage has grown, she dared to humiliate him!Said that he looks like a child whose mother doesn't give candy and is unhappy? !

However, that stupid woman has always been courageous!Mo Shenhan narrowed his eyes slightly, and this time, he took the initiative to call An Xiaoer.

An Xiaoer looked at Mo Shenhan's phone call on the screen of her mobile phone, and immediately became happier and more embarrassing. Sure enough, treating extraordinary people requires extraordinary tactics!

"Hello~" An Xiaoer's voice was full of tenderness, showing her joyful mood.

 La la la~ The collection is full of 4000, and there will be more updates today~ Babies, the recommended votes are also up, not far from 100~

(End of this chapter)

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