Chapter 169

Could it be that he deliberately found fault because he just hung up on him?

An Xiaoer doesn't remember what exaggerated things she said just now!

Just remember, she called him just now, and after several calls, he didn't answer the phone, and then sent a message!
Could he be talking about that message?
An Xiaoer said at the time: Mo Shenhan, do you know?The way you look now is very cute, just like an unhappy child whose mother does not give sugar.

Now, An Xiaoer felt a little guilty. He took the initiative to call back just now, but he didn't mention this stalk, just asked him if he was in a good mood.

But it turned out that he wanted to wait for her to come down, and then settle the old and new grudges together!
"Hehehe..." An Xiaoer smiled awkwardly, she felt guilty, but she still pretended not to know anything.

Finally, An Xiaoer said: "Mo Shenhan, I have said a lot, I have forgotten what I said, so, you should forget too..."

Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer's smirk, and at her pretending to be stupid, raised his eyebrows, and an evil smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

He suddenly turned his head to look at her and looked at her carefully.

Her thin bangs, her long hair is not curly but curly, and it is naturally scattered on her chest, exuding a fairy-like smell.

Her skin was very fair, as if she could squeeze water out with just a pinch. At this moment, there was a flattering and awkward smile on the corner of her lips. It was far-fetched, but she had to try her best to pretend.

Especially her pair of apricot eyes, which are watery, very pure and bright, making people love her.

Mo Shenhan, facing such a woman, was really tempted, as if somewhere in his heart was suddenly touched.

It's not that he hasn't seen beauties before, it's also that there are many beauties throwing themselves into his arms, but those people can't catch his eyes, but only An Xiaoer makes him feel different suddenly.

Maybe it's her eyes, and maybe her figure.

Although she looks like a monster, but she has such a pair of eyes, which makes people attracted by those eyes immediately.

What kind of person is she?
I only remember that when I saw her for the first time, she stood in front of his car, as if she was tired from running and out of breath.

At that time, Mo Shenhan saw her running at a glance, and thought at that time, it was really amazing to run so disregarding her image at such a grown-up person.

It's just that he didn't expect that just as he was looking at her, she walked towards his car. After that, she squeezed the window of her car, and then smiled with satisfaction!

Is it to prove that her murder weapon is big?
Anyway, Mo Shenhan hated her very much at that time, such a woman is too vulgar.

Immediately rolled down the car window, and then humiliated her. Unexpectedly, she was quite courageous and talked back to him, extremely arrogant!
The second time I saw her, she climbed directly onto his bed. The first impression was not good, but now, I was so disgusted with what this woman did, I drove her out of the house.

It's just that, unexpectedly, because of this, the old man stuffed him beside him as a secretary!
How upset is Mo Bozhi with him?

Thinking of these, and thinking of meeting An Xiaoer, Mo Shenhan suddenly felt happy, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

Seeing her guilty and charming appearance, Mo Shenhan suddenly approached her.

His hand raised her jaw and held it tightly, domineering and full of evil, "I don't know what to say? Forgot? Then I'll help you remember."

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for reward~
(End of this chapter)

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