Chapter 180 Mo Shenhan, Open the Door)
An Xiaoer was extremely embarrassed!Mo Shenhan is too...

Too much!
Kiss and talk to him for a few minutes, did he do it on purpose?Is the time all set?

An Xiaoer was very embarrassed, but Mo Shenhan's car had already started and was on the road.

"Mo Shenhan, I'm not being unreserved, and I don't intend to discuss that with you." An Xiaoer wanted to defend herself.

Thinking to himself, Mo Shenhan must have laughed at her many times, right?Thinking that her thoughts are not pure, she only thinks in that direction.

Well, where is An Xiaoer's impure thoughts, she likes sex and gossip, but this is different from what Mo Shenhan thinks in her heart!

It's embarrassing to be thought of as the kind of person who is full of lust!

Anyway, An Xiaoer felt ashamed.

"Are you sure you don't want to discuss this matter with me? Then what do you mean by continuing to talk about this matter?" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows, as if he suddenly felt better.

He continued: "Also, an explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth."


In An Xiaoer's heart, after hearing Mo Shenhan's words, she could only complain, complain, and complain, and finally, she wisely shut up.

Damn, he's slandering her, smearing her!An Xiaoer was extremely annoyed, but in fact, another voice in her heart said, it seemed that what Mo Shenhan said made sense.

The tangled An Xiaoer finally didn't want to face Mo Shenhan, turned around and looked out the window, and stopped looking at this man.

As for Mo Shenhan, he was concentrating on driving, and occasionally looked at An Xiaoer through the car mirror through the window, and felt that this time was actually very peaceful and beautiful.

An Xiaoer is actually quite cute.

However, she has always been a little wild cat. Apart from being cute, she also has sharp claws, so she is not easy to mess with.

There was a relaxed smile on the corner of Mo Shenhan's lips, and he didn't continue to tease her, just driving the car seriously.

But, why did the car arrive downstairs at her house so quickly?Obviously he has intentionally slowed down the speed of the car.

Sometimes time flies really fast.

After parking the car, looking at the time, it was already 09:30. Mo Shenhan looked at An Xiaoer and helped her unbuckle her seat belt.

He is really careful, he is domineering but not gentle, and he has a good side to his poisonous tongue. The scene of him carefully unbuttoning her seat belt made An Xiaoer's whole body tense.

At the same time, it feels good.

It's a pity that her becoming his woman was just a transaction... a physical transaction... The pleasant smile on the corners of An Xiaoer's lips was suddenly tinged with bitterness.

He was about to open the car door and get out of the car, but found that he couldn't open it. It was obvious that Mo Shenhan had locked the car door on purpose.

"Mo Shenhan, open the door!" An Xiaoer glared at Mo Shenhan, "Unfasten my seat belt while pretending to be a gentleman on the front foot, but play a hooligan on the back foot and prevent me from getting out of the car. You say you... what do you want me to do? saying you?"

An Xiaoer almost uttered a vulgar word, but she knew that Mo Shenhan didn't like to hear such vulgar words, so she could only pause for a while, then her mind quickly turned, and she found a new word to replace it.

"If you unbuckle your seat belt, do you have to get out of the car? Also, I'm already a gentleman, so why should I pretend? It's just that you don't need a gentleman!"

Mo Shenhan didn't take it seriously, and uttered such a sentence lightly, which really drove An Xiaoer to death!
Then, An Xiaoer saw him take a backpack from the back seat of the car. Under such circumstances, Mo Shenhan's actions...

What is he doing?Do you want a condom?When An Xiaoer thought of this, she immediately became nervous. Mo Shenhan really didn't intend to let her go tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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