Chapter 193
Mu Xiyue just stayed by Mo Shenhan's side like that. Mo Shenhan didn't give an accurate answer to their relationship, so Mu Xiyue just kept waiting.

Because she doesn't want to take the initiative, she thinks girls should be reserved, and Mo Shenhan should let Mo Shenhan find out that he likes her one day, and then take the initiative to tell her that confession.

After all, although Mu Xiyue has always liked Mo Shenhan very much, she felt that what she pursued would not necessarily be cherished by others if they got it. Instead, let Mo Shenhan chase her by herself, so she is the one who only cares about her. accepted person.

After all, it's just because I'm afraid that the person who speaks first will lose badly!

However, in order to wait for Mo Shenhan to speak first, Mu Xiyue waited for a long, long time. In ten years, the yellow cauliflower has bloomed and thanked, thanked for blooming many times!
However, Mo Shenhan has no intention of further deepening their relationship!
Mu Xiyue couldn't sit still!
After all, Mo Shenhan is no ordinary man, so she should take the initiative first!After all, it has taken so long, if Mo Shenhan has not said that sentence, will she have to wait forever?
Mu Xiyue thought to herself, it's really take the initiative, not to be more active, but to be very active!

Just take advantage of tonight, take advantage of the release of that photo, and draw a conclusion on their relationship!
There were all kinds of delicacies on the table, and the candlelight from the candles printed Mu Xiyue's pretty face very charmingly and bewitched people's hearts.

She is very beautiful, with a icy heart and pure beauty, it is really rare for a woman in the entertainment circle to have such a temperament!
However, it is true that Mu Xiyue's life in the entertainment industry in the past few years has actually been very easy.

Because she had Mo Shenhan in her life, she was destined to suffer less than others from the very beginning. Because of Mo Shenhan, she would not have a headache just to go out, let alone unspoken rules.

All he needs to do is stay under Mo Shenhan's protection and accept the slowly accumulating popularity.

There are really many fans who like Mu Xiyue. In the entertainment circle, she is the goddess Xiyue who is icy and pure in people's eyes!

Mu Xiyue looked at the time, twenty or ten minutes had passed, she lightly sipped the red wine in the goblet, it tasted very good, it's time for Mo Shenhan to come.

She waited patiently.

The pink dress was studded with sequins, which shone faintly under the candlelight. Although Mu Xiyue's good figure was a little thin, she was still very beautiful.

The skirt is very short, it only covers the buttocks, and the surname is enchanting. If a man sees this outfit today, he will fall in love with him.

In this candlelight, accompanied by beauties and red wine, I don't know if Mo Shenhan will understand something, this night, let's fight it out.

Mu Xiyue thought about all this, her heart had already been given to that man, even though her body had never been given to him.

Looking at the phone, another 10 minutes had passed, Mo Shenhan hadn't come yet, it had been half an hour, she was a little nervous.

Just as he was hesitating whether to call or not, the doorbell rang.

Mu Xiyue hurried to open the door. Even though she knew he had the key, she still walked over quickly. Mo Shenhan seemed to know that she would come to open the door by herself, and had no intention of using the key to open the door at all.

The moment the door opened, Mo Shenhan was taken aback when he saw that Mu Xiyue was wearing something more unusual than usual, she was wearing very little.

Low-cut, waist-tight, buttocks-covering, mainly because the skirt is still very short, and the bust and buttocks are looming.

(End of this chapter)

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