Chapter 211 Loyalty Points

Mo Shenhan's original words were: If it's an accident, it's God's will. If you want it too, then I will satisfy you even more.

But An Xiaoer's quick-witted reaction made her say: You will satisfy me if you say what I want, but I don't want to!
After Mo Shenhan heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, his lips curled into a smile, and he was secretly smiling.

Isn't An Xiao'er out of her mind at this moment?Now, the brain circuit has improved?

"Well, you don't want to, do you..."

Then, Mo Shenhan's body moved slightly away from An Xiaoer by three centimeters. An Xiaoer thought that Mo Shenhan was a gentleman and would really let her go, and then said: Since you don't want to, then let's not continue... …

However, An Xiaoer obviously thinks Mo Shenhan is too noble, Mo Shenhan will not let go of the fat that he got easily!
Besides, if he listens to her, then who will eliminate the fire for him?
Besides, although An Xiaoer said on the surface that she didn't want it, she made it clear that her words were not what she meant.

Also, the tree on the computer desktop...




After some cloud and rain, Mo Shenhan hugged An Xiaoer on the sofa contentedly.

An Xiaoer was speechless, she didn't speak!Damn, he clearly did it on purpose, to embarrass her on purpose!

An Xiaoer retorted angrily!

"That's right, are you still coming?" Mo Shenhan raised his eyebrows.

"..." An Xiaoer simply turned her head, ignoring Mo Shenhan.

Mo Shenhan continued talking to himself, "An Xiaoer, don't be so duplicity next time, learn from your body and be more loyal."

Also, it was the picture that An Xiaoer changed on the computer desktop.

"Mo Shenhan, I finally understand what it means to be cheap and behave like a good boy!" An Xiaoer hummed!

She was tired, and she lay on the sofa with a pillow in front of her to hide her shame. She was too tired to pick up the clothes on the ground and put them on.

Hearing An Xiaoer's blushing denial, Mo Shenhan evoked a satisfied smile, hypocritical woman!That's it!Always duplicity.

In fact, what Mo Shenhan said was right, she was indeed quite loyal physically, but her mouth refused to admit it!
"Obviously I satisfied you, Xiao'er, are you so ignorant of gratitude?"

Mo Shenhan said such a sentence with some grievances.

An Xiaoer can only helplessly!

He really can turn black and white, and, such a big man, saying this at this time, with a cute expression, is it really okay?
Anyway, An Xiaoer could only roll her eyes at him.

"Mo Shenhan, when did I think about it? I didn't, okay? You obviously thought about it, so you...!" An Xiaoer retorted.

Because she was tired at the moment, An Xiaoer slumped on the sofa, leaning against Mo Shenhan's arm.

In fact, it's quite comfortable to lean on him like this!
An inexplicable sense of peace and relaxation, An Xiaoer really fell in love with Mo Shenhan!
After she knew it in her heart, An Xiaoer felt a little sad, because she didn't dare to look forward to it!

Besides, Mo Shenhan wouldn't give her the result she wanted.

Although, when he was in the car just now, he said... being his woman is not just a simple transaction, but also a sacrifice of heart...

(End of this chapter)

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