The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 224 Mo Shenhan is actually the child's father!

Chapter 224 Mo Shenhan is actually the child's father!
An Xiaoer brought the last dish to the table, "Nian Nian, you should tell me carefully, where have you been these few days? Also, who is the 'father' you are talking about?"

"Also, kid, what's your name? How have you been doing in the past five years?"

An Xiaoer turned around and looked at her other child. Speaking of which, what a mother she is... She doesn't even know the child's name!
However, it can't blame her!What can be done?

If you want to blame, then you should blame her for secretly keeping Nian Nian by her side because of selfishness, and let him suffer with her!

However, as a mother, who is willing to put down her child?
The scenes from six years ago were just like this rippling in An Xiaoer's mind, and at this moment they were extremely clear.

Because she was pregnant, someone used 1000 million to tell her to give birth to the child. She needed money for the illness of her mother Xiao Guirong, and she finally agreed!

In fact, I was wondering, what is the relationship between the person who let her give birth to the child and the man that night six years ago?

There should be some connection, right?Otherwise, if others are looking for a child, why would they specifically designate the child in her womb?
An Xiaoer looked at the two brothers, waiting for their answer.

An Yingnian took a bite of the food, looked at her mother's expectant eyes, and finally said slowly, "You should ask Yangyang!"

At that moment, An Xiaoer was so angry that she wished she could beat the child up!
How dare you fool her? !
However, Nian Nian's temperament has always been like this, since she was a child, An Xiaoer has long been used to such a nonsensical child.

At this moment, thinking of another child's cute and sensible during this period, she looked at the child with distress, "Baby, tell me!"

Mo Ruiyang put down his chopsticks, and said obediently and gentlemanly, "My name is Mo Ruiyang, and my father is Mo Shenhan."

It was just a simple sentence, but it made An Xiaoer unsteady and fell off the chair.

"Mom... are you okay?" Mo Ruiyang and An Yingnian were very worried when they saw their mother fell off the chair, and hurried to float their mother up.

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..." An Xiaoer sat on the ground, coughing violently.

Don't you have auditory hallucinations?It must be, it must be!

An Xiaoer comforted herself, she must be hallucinating!
So he continued to ask: "You say, who is your father?"

"Mom, why are you so nervous?" An Yingnian rolled her eyes, "Yangyang said, his father is Mo Shenhan."

"Yangyang...Mo Ruiyang..." An Xiaoer stared blankly at Yangyang, sizing up his facial features, and then at Nian Nian.

The two of them look so much alike, they are indeed twins, so similar that even An Xiaoer can't tell who is who!
However, in terms of personality, they are completely different.

Yangyang and Niannian's faces, if they didn't pay attention to it usually, they didn't feel that their child looked like Mo Shenhan.

But after looking at it, I was surprised to find that it really looks like Mo Shenhan!

Mo Shenhan's face was rippling in An Xiaoer's mind. Thinking about it for the past few days, she always had the feeling that her child looked a little like Mo Shenhan. It turned out that all this was not her illusion, it really was. It's a matter!

"Mo Ruiyang, Mo Shenhan..." An Xiaoer read these two names again, still unable to accept, a voice in her heart shouted, it turned out that the man that night six years ago turned out to be Mo Shen cold!
How is this possible?
 Babies, if you have a recommendation ticket, give it to me quickly!Let me enjoy the feeling of being stunned by the recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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