Chapter 233 Lend Mom to You

"Good boy, mom is sorry for you." Seeing Mo Ruiyang's cute and sensible appearance, An Xiaoer's heart began to ache.

Why has to be this way?Why can't she be with her two children, but let the children face this relationship?

In fact, I really don't want Mo Ruiyang to leave!
"Mom, is there any way that our family can be together one day?" Mo Ruiyang asked, letting go of his mother's embrace.

Actually, this question is very simple, that is, An Xiaoer and Mo Shenhan are together!

Mo Ruiyang understood this truth even more, but he still asked because he hoped that his parents could be together.

Besides, during this time, he saw that his father and mother would be together.

It shouldn't be discussing things about going to work!

After all, after hours isn't it?

Moreover, if it is to discuss business matters, why are there only two people, father and mother?

In fact, Mo Ruiyang really hoped that something would happen, and then the parents would be together.

"Baby Yangyang, I don't know what to do now, but I know you are Mo Shenhan's son, so I will find a way to see you more."

An Xiaoer can only do this now.

"Also, Yangyang, Niannian, Mom wants to ask you one thing. Today's matter is a secret between us. Everything we said must be kept secret, and no third person should know! Especially you My father, Mo Shenhan! Mom is really worried, if he finds out that I have secretly brought a child with me for the past five years, he will take away everything from me, okay?"

An Xiaoer felt that if Mo Shenhan found out about the existence of the child, she would snatch the child away. In the future, she would never see the child again, let alone two children!
So, keep this matter a secret!

"We promise you!" Yangyang and Niannian both nodded in agreement with An Xiaoer.

"Mom, remember to visit me often." With that said, Mo Ruiyang was about to leave.

"Yangyang!" An Yingnian stopped him at this moment!
"I think it's very good to be in Mo's house. You can have a lot of food. Well, also, I want to go to live as an 'uncle' for a while, so you should stay at my house!"

An Yingnian's heart suddenly softened, and she felt sorry for Mo Ruiyang, so she wanted to "lend" her mother to him for a while, but because of some small emotions, she couldn't say what she meant.

When An Xiaoer heard what An Yingnian said, the corners of her lips twitched suddenly, her face darkened!

"Master?! You are a big-headed ghost!" An Xiaoer glared at An Yingnian!
"Ouch, Mom!" An Yingnian curled her lips.

How could An Xiaoer not know what An Yingnian was thinking?

Suddenly I feel that my child is very caring, which is quite good!
"Yangyang, don't rob me, I've decided that I'm going to live with my father for a few days, so I'll 'loan' you a few days from my mother!"

"..." An Xiaoer was helpless, so she could borrow anyone she wanted?

"I won't rob you."

Mo Ruiyang looked at An Yingnian's embarrassing look, and said indifferently.

"..." An Yingnian suddenly felt that she had a hot face with a cold ass!

Hmph, Po Yangyang, really has no conscience!If he didn't see him so lonely without his mother's company, he wouldn't be so kind!
"Thank you." Mo Ruiyang said these words again coldly, and his face turned slightly red at the same time.

"That's more or less the same!" Just now, he felt that Mo Ruiyang didn't know good people, but now that he heard his words, he was satisfied!
 This chapter is mine, and this book is mine!If you want to continue watching, leave a recommendation, bookmark, and leave a message!Hurry up, hurry up, throw the recommendation ticket over here!


(End of this chapter)

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