The chief adult is knocking on the door: Hiding a cute baby

Chapter 235 Mo Shenhan, you dare to murder your son?

Chapter 235 Mo Shenhan, you dare to murder your son?

Stuck between three, An Xiaoer finally went downstairs with Nian Nian!
Big hands holding small hands, the picture of a harmonious mother and child slowly appeared in Mo Shenhan's sight!

Such a picture made Mo Shenhan's eyes slightly narrowed.

Originally, after passing by here, I thought I would take An Xiaoer to look for it together, it would be more fun and have more eyes.

But he didn't expect that An Xiaoer would appear in front of him with his son! ! !

An Xiaoer is going to do something!

Mo Shenhan's expression couldn't hold back anymore!

But, why do you feel that the picture of An Xiaoer pulling her son is quite harmonious?

It seems that if it can be like that every day, or if there is one more him, it will feel good!
Mo Shenhan fell into his own thoughts, and after suddenly realizing his own problem, he was surprised to find how incredible this idea was!

How could he imagine that one day, he and An Xiaoer would form a family?

That's simply unbelievable!
Besides, An Xiaoer is not the mother of her own son, and with his son's character, it is impossible for him to accept another woman as his mother!

Mo Shenhan opened the car door and got out of the car. He walked towards An Xiaoer with a gloomy face. Seeing his son's hand holding An Xiaoer's hand together, he was even more upset!
"Mo Ruiyang, let go of your hand!"

"An Xiaoer, you dare to abduct my son?!"

As he said that, Mo Shenhan didn't think about anything, and just pulled his son over.

However, the son seemed to be against him, holding An Xiaoer's hand tightly and not letting go?

"Mo Ruiyang, what are you doing?" Mo Shenhan glared at his son!
"Father, you can't bully...she..." At this point, An Yingnian stopped suddenly, and then abruptly referred to the two "mothers" as "she".

He reminded himself in his heart that he couldn't let his father know that An Xiao'er was her mother, otherwise he would cause trouble!

"Can't bully her?" Mo Shenhan squinted at his son, with doubts in his indifference, "Why?"

"Because...because...because I like her!" An Yingnian thought for a long time, but couldn't come up with a reason, and finally said this sentence after a long time.

He didn't lie!An Xiaoer is his mother, how can there be any reason why a son doesn't like his mother?Therefore, An Yingnian said that he likes his mother, but he was telling the truth!

The little guy groaned in his heart, then looked straight at Mo Shenhan, "Father, because I like her and this sister, you can't bully her!"

"..." Mo Shenhan's face became even colder, with some gloomyness, "Sister?"

His own son, calling his woman sister?
Thinking of this, Mo Shenhan felt that there was something wrong, "What kind of sister, call me auntie!"

"No, I'll call you sister! My sister is so young, how old is she to be called auntie?" An Yingnian looked at her father's gloomy expression, and even deliberately antagonized him.

"Mo Ruiyang, you've become more and more disobedient recently, what's the matter, are your wings hard?" Mo Shenhan said to his son angrily!

However, I still don't know what to do with my son!
Really, recently I feel that my son's courage is really getting bigger and bigger, he always makes trouble for him, he is not as obedient as before, and he runs around with his third uncle, and runs away from home at every turn. How dare you do this?
"What are you doing? Why are you being so fierce to the child?" Seeing that Mo Shenhan was always there, his son An Xiaoer was not happy, and began to help his son speak.

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(End of this chapter)

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